Reviews for Gift from beyond
Nixweis chapter 38 . 9/5/2015
This Story needs a lot more updates!
life's a mystery chapter 38 . 10/12/2014
great story so far! I hope you continue :)
life's a mystery chapter 34 . 10/12/2014
great chapter showing the boss relationship kate has to perform with the boys
life's a mystery chapter 32 . 10/12/2014
great chapter showing the playful side of their relationship
life's a mystery chapter 31 . 10/12/2014
I loved the chat between Kate and her father :)
life's a mystery chapter 30 . 10/12/2014
great chapter portraying a very open honest discussion between all the members of the family :)
life's a mystery chapter 28 . 10/12/2014
great chapter :)
htbuzz chapter 38 . 8/26/2014
Really enjoying the story. You were misinformed, however. L.T. has NEVER stood for Lieutenant. LT does and back in the day it was Lt. Never was there a period between the L and the T. :) Keep up the awesomeness!
life's a mystery chapter 23 . 8/24/2014
great chapter, I really enjoyed how Captain Gates and Detective Beckett took off their professional shields and talked one to one :)
life's a mystery chapter 14 . 8/23/2014
I loved this chapter :). It was great how Mama Kate took on the protective role for the family and I loved the scene with Kate and Alexis in the kitchen
life's a mystery chapter 13 . 8/23/2014
great heart to heart between Kate and Martha :)
life's a mystery chapter 11 . 8/23/2014
great talk between the two and also great talk with Martha
life's a mystery chapter 10 . 8/23/2014
great chapter with how Rick cares for Kate. I loved the little line at the end :)
Shutterbug5269 chapter 38 . 8/18/2014
My only real critique is that you have Kate and everyone coming down on Castle with the ribbing a bit too might want to dial that back a notch. In places it stepped out of "cop banter" and became a bit over the top, borderline on emasculation. No man would put up with that 24/7. Just a suggestion.

Other than that I liked the prograssion of the story. I am interested in seeing the confrontatiuon between Kate and this Carter guy. And see the Deputy Chief of D's get his.
KB4RC chapter 33 . 8/18/2014
I think I have commented about this before but since I am rereading the entire story here goes. You must really hate Castle. I have read a lot of stories but never have I read one that is so blatantly making him look incompetent. I would think Martha, living at his loft free, using his credit cards at will would be less of an ass than you paint her here. She is constantly making digs at her own son that aren't very nice. Between the three women it seems there whole goal in life is to ridicule him. Anything he says is met with - shut up, you're wrong, clean this up, or a number of other demeaning comments. If I was Castle I would be tossing martha out of the loft, followed by Alexis and Kate. You think it is teasing but it isn't. Ribbing can be fun occasionally but your way of writing is hostile. Kate literally has him as a male slave. Castle clean up, Castle get out of the loft so us girls can talk...on and on. The comment where he says something and she says think that again or sleep on the couch. Uh she doesn't life there officially so why would he be sleeping on the couch in his loft? You have turned Castle into the biggest doormat I have ever seen. He is scared of her which is not a loving relationship at all.
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