Reviews for This Moment So Overdue
GirlWonder123X chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
Umm I don't know if you are doing it on purpose but you got the characters, their roles, and secret identities all wrong.
The Richmaster chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
This was a really good read; I think the only real problem I had with it was that it wasn't longer and left a few things out.
NightingaleComics chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
Why isn't there more to this?! I want to know all about Stephine coming back and turning into the Red Hood and Tim blackmailing Damian into letting him be Robin. An Jason and Tim meeting, and how Tim figures out what he was doing for two years and confirms that Jason is Red Robin! YOu can't just leave me like this! ... Well ya could, but it wouldn't be pretty. I can pull a riot off or something. I want to know how Steph and Damian trained together and what happened in the fourty-eight hours that they were handcuffed together.