Reviews for S H I E L D Agent Rhapsodos: A Part That Remains
LunarCatNinja chapter 5 . 2/20/2017
I love it! This series is amazing, and I can't wait for the unfinished ones to update!
Rangle chapter 3 . 3/14/2016
If Genesis is such a "genius", the powers that be would have fastracked his education straight to college. Heck, I've seen a couple of 16 years old in college before. One of them was a classmate.
kalmaegi chapter 5 . 1/20/2016
Every time I'm itching to read Taking a Backseat, I usually start here. This is my favorite side fic out of the current three Introductions posted. There's just something about Genesis and Robert's bond that tugs my heart strings. This was such a nice reprieve for him, especially since unlike Angeal and the others, he was dumped here as an orphan teenager.

(The mystery of the old man in the main fic is killing me that I'm now developing Epileptic Trees)

Looking forward to Black Widow and Maria Hill's Introductions once Fury's is out of the way and Phil gets his fair share of healing. The mention of Tony Stark just has to trigger my overactive mind to imagine a scene Post-Avengers:

"Hey V, you should totally be my therapist"

"No, Tony."

"You'll be an awesome therapist. Come on, we can even make it so it will be a Shakespeare crash course instead. Think of it as helping Point Break and I communicate better since he doesn't understand my pop culture references." The billionaire ignores the exasperated glare and continues babbling on his plans. "And then we'll educate him and Capsicle on the wonders of pop culture media. Seriously, the way Cap looked so elated when he understood Furry's comment was pitiful. Don't even get me started on Point Break's blank look."

"Tony, make up your mind already. Is it a movie marathon, a Shakespeare 101 or a theraphy session?"

"I vote for all three."
Reader chapter 5 . 10/22/2014
You don't know how much I cried at the ending! You are seriously talented, and I think you are WAY WAY more talented than you realize, cuz dang you made probably the best crossover story I've ever read! EVER! Oh, and also, I'm still waiting on your story 'Taking the Backseat'! Please take your time and don't give it up! I love all of your stories! And hopefully this made your day cuz this story made my day! :)
Irbise chapter 5 . 10/19/2014
Hey, great story. Love how you write Genesis and the people around. They seem so real. I really like stories where authors go also to the more detailed descriptions, because then it creates much clearer picture to imagine and to understand the situations :) Good job and I will continue reading your next series about Genesis on Earth :)
Guest chapter 5 . 6/25/2014
This is probably one of the saddest yet meaningful stories of Genesis I have ever read. You are really talented.
Zorlia chapter 5 . 6/7/2014
I love this little universe you've made. I was beginning to lose hope in the crossover section of this site, but have become the light in the tunnel. You my dear little author, have a gift. I expect more wonderfullness from you in the future with other fics like this!
Nekogami Bastet chapter 5 . 4/8/2014
This fic was beautiful and inspiring, it held many good ideas and council. I can't say much more, but it meant a lot to me, so thank you for that story.
Deer-Shifter chapter 5 . 1/21/2014
Nice job finishing and tying your tics together-and showing your work! Can't wait for next update to this universe.
A Midsummer chapter 5 . 1/18/2014
Genesis can't catch a break. But hey, at least I was right. The first person I thought of was Agent Coulson when Robert mentioned his son was an agent. lol too late for that realization.
Kelana-ti chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
Hee! Yes. Loved it. Robert is Phil's dad? That's really cool. And I love your explanation to the 'Good Night' farewell. Very poetic. LOL. Looking forward to 'Taking the Backseat.'
Twilight Cardmistress chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
one correction. I believe it's the Sector 5 Church. Not sector 6

that being said, where are my tissues i can't see...
DevinePhoenix chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
Woah! It's finally done! You struck me speechless when I found out Robert's last name. That was genius. I'm looking forward to the updates for the other Agent Rhapsodos fics! XD
6tailedninja chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
Wow, I did not see that coming. Uh his being Phil's father that is. I am glad to finally see the end of this, that means I can go read your other fics and have a better understanding of Genesis. Since its been awhile, I think I will go do that now.
Beloved Daughter chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
Beautiful ending. Robert Coulson, eh? LOVE it. Just brilliant. Thanks for finishing this brilliant story!
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