Reviews for Artistic License
quite-a-riot chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Well, clearly Mashima is actually Meredy, because youxre magic and know everything. lol
Elenluin chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
hahaha wonderful way to look to the events! Very funny and I loved your observations on how poor gray had to die such a lame death :-)
gasp of the soul chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
the author of this fic is a clairvoyant. 'nuff said.
Thisaccountmustbedelted chapter 1 . 8/8/2014
Sure, maybe...I am hyperventilating. Perhaps, I will never look at Fairy Tail the same way again. Hmm, totally doubting my reality at the moment. What I do know is I love your stories.
SpreadYourWingsxx chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Nonononoo imma cry. I cried when ultear sacrificed herself and ill probs cry again. Dammit
Collaborative Lady chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
Pretty darn good speculative analysis. It was wonderful. And so was the guild. The stuff they do is secret and thus undisclosed to manga writers - ha! You made that legit. Not sure what was going on with Merdy there - the guild lives in an AU Ultear had affected but they don't remember her, or Ultear was an important person in Merdy's life she wants to incorporate into the manga out of respect. 'Cause apparently, she wasn't at Tenru Island. Or she was. So she's disguised? Wooooooooo.
So many ways you could take this fic, even without speculation. Speculation's still awesome.
KHR1427 chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I have a feeling my view on Fairy Tail will be changed from now on, as I continue on reading the manga...
But I loved this story. It was o creative and imaginative, and sad with the plot twist end... XD
And yesh, I will totally support you 'calling' the chapter 335 idea, even if that happeened so long ago.
P.S I love what you did with Nalu, and JuviaxGajeel. :)
Masterday chapter 1 . 7/1/2013

So much better than 1 minute...
leoslady4ever chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
I loved this so much, not just because you helped make light of a situation that seriously pissed me off, but also because you don't have Gray and Juvia paired up. Thank you so much. All these fanfics about how Juvia is all torn up over Gray just get on my nerves.
ahsinam33 chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
Awesome fic and probably one of the most unique stories I've ever read. The first part was really funny and the last part kind of spooked me out. In a good way though. The whole idea of Meredy drawing the manga to tell everyone what really happened is pretty neat. I hope Ultear doesn't really die though your idea is fantastic.
Keep up the good work!
NameMeLife chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
Perfect! I loved the way you did that! Gajeel and Juvia's crack (but actually the most rational if there were no such thing as the emotion called love) pairing. It was hilarious that you made the Fairy Tail characters act as whole fandom of their own. Of course that would make Gray all of the Gray fan-girls that are traumatized by his death. That in itself is hilarious.

Except... I don't know about the dark ending that I assume is the whole point of this story.
Not that I don't like dark themes, because I think I have a very dark side of me that is thrilled by DARKness. It's just your theory of Ultear sacrificing herself to make everything perfect or semi-perfect again. I definitely LOVE her character. She (even as a minor character) has so much influence on the whole story (and most of the time it's the background people who are the masterminds behind our entertainment). And I LOVE her magic. Anything to do with time-travel and such intrigues me because it's such a broad theory that there really can't be such a thing as 'plot holes' in it - It's more 'who-has-the-more-deep-and-interesting-time-plot-l ine/theory'... I'm getting off track here...
What I mean to say is, while your theories for how Gray will live (because face it, he Will live) are interesting, keep an open mind. The chapter that comes next week (it will come next week, right?) will either confirm your theories (maybe come close to them) or will take a totally different path. This is usually the reason for people dropping Fairy Tail; having high expectations. And I certainly wouldn't want one of my favorite authors of Fairy Tail fan-fiction to drop the Fairy Tail manga! After all, Hiro Mashima is for the most part human... I can't say much about his other-worldly drawing skills though...
But knowing the genius that you are (a persons writings really tell a lot about them), you probably already know this.

So much to say it got a bit jumbled... Jeez, I even confused myself. Anywho... AWESOME story. It really is such a wonderful sight to see that email pop up saying I get to read another of your stories. Makes my day.
Kayla chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
I loved your fanfic that was just so original and amazing !
Fleuve d'Etoile chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
This story is... Well I can only say it's probably the best oneshot I've read here. I couldn't stop laughing at the beginning, intending to quote every hilarious part just to give a comment about it because it was truly well done, but there were so many parts that deserved a comment that I'll just say one thing : about Levy saying everybody is going to get killed until something happens, cancelling the foreshadowed deaths, that's exactly what I thought (though I hope Gray comes back next chapter and not at the end, when everyone who would have died would be saved).

Now about the ending of your fanfic, this is great, I didn't expect that ! We can feel it was not meant to end like this, that you didn't especially plan that ending - am I wrong ? - but you're truly a skilled writer, to be able to write on the spurr of the moment and still manage to come up with such an interesting twist.

And by the way, I feel like you can turn that into a several-chapter fanfic, about the characters reacting to every weird moment Mashima trolls us with XD

Well, that said, I'm going to check your other stories because your writing is great as well, thank you for that story !
lucyglitter11 chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
Hahaha omg i really liked this interpretation! Chapter 334 was really sad and depressing but i'm sure mashima's gonna make it up! Anyway really nice fanfic i loved it! :-D
Kori no Koibito chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
hehe... u just made my day! i hav been sulking n d emo corner, cryin my eyes out n u popped out n... bam! i culdnt control my laughter! oh my... oh gray. dont die... aaaand i m back... :'(
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