Reviews for The Sadder But Wiser Girl
meetupgirl2 chapter 106 . 7/30
Outstanding story. my compliments to the authorl
Baron Munchausen chapter 84 . 8/27/2019
I have been rereading this great tale (yes, the "roué" comment below was me too). You have such a wonderful way of crafting Locksley traditions that are both totally in keeping with Yorkshire sensibilities, thoughtfully matched to Anthony's character, and to the thrust of the story. This one of the Master being present at the birth of the first lambing of the season, with its undertones of involvement and responsibility to the estate, and new life is no exception. It's charming!
Guest chapter 81 . 8/27/2019
Anthony, a "lecherous old roué"?! Completely inaccurate (except where Edith is concerned) and superb!
Baron Munchausen chapter 106 . 6/25/2019
Very happily ever after. I can't thank you enough for this amazing story. So I won't try. Well maybe a little bit...thank you, thank you, thank you.
Baron Munchausen chapter 105 . 6/25/2019!
Baron Munchausen chapter 104 . 6/25/2019
I'm dreadfully behind with all my reviews, partly because my PC *and* my iPad died at the same time. My sincerest apologies for that.
I know this story is coming to an end, and I wish it never would, yet you are rounding out their subsequent lives so beautifully. So very beautifully.
spottedhorse chapter 106 . 4/22/2019
A wonderful ending to a fantastic story! I must admit though that I will miss this one. It always gave me a happy bounce to see that that a new chapter had been posted. But what a perfect ending!
NEGirl chapter 106 . 4/20/2019
Thank you for this fantastic Andith saga! It looks like it took 6years to complete it?if so, well done for not giving up on it. I appreciated how you kept some tension throughout the story. I get disappointed when the favorite couple gets together early in the story (esp in a long story), and then its smooth sailing from there on. It gets boring for me. I didn't find that in this at all. Kudos.
Guest chapter 106 . 4/8/2019
I have enjoyed every single chapter of this story. You created a wonderful world for Edith and Anthony. Thank you for sharing it.
Guest chapter 106 . 4/4/2019
I really enjoyed this journey of Edith and Anthony. You did them proud and gave them a more than a happy ending. I'll miss this story coming up in my mailbox. Thank you!
RL74 chapter 106 . 4/3/2019
Absolutely wonderful. Every single, solitary word of it. Thank you. For everything. x
Chelsietx chapter 106 . 4/2/2019
I have thoroughly enjoyed this. Usually I don’t read that many Edith/Anthony stories. I’m so glad I did this one! Thank you so much.
weeredfrenchie chapter 106 . 4/2/2019
What a perfect ending. I love the way that you seamlessly weave historical facts into the narrative, it makes the story all the more ‘real’. I must confess, Edith isn’t the only one who is shedding a tear here, I can’t believe we’ve come to the end! I have loved every single word of this.
Thank you for sharing your time and your talents with us so generously. I will miss your regular updates but I do hope you keep writing. You have a real talent and it would be such a shame if you were to stop. Be well. xx
Guest chapter 106 . 4/2/2019
Wonderful, wonderful wrap-up! Sad to see this story end BUT done in a VERY beautiful way. Thank You so much for all the effort you've put into it.

So much great detail here! Edith on the Special Search List Great Britain - Awesome! Makes sense for her character!
4 Strallan children! Violet and Nicholas born after Elinor and William. Love Violet's middle name - Nancy after her grandmother.
Dr. Elinor Strallan! Perfect! William and Laura Stewart a possible maybe - cute!
Love Bobby (Roberta) Crawley! Giving her mother Mary a dose of her own attitude!
Poor Anthony and Edith. An ocean between them and Elinor who now married to an American.

Any time an Andith mood strikes, an addition to your stories will be very welcome!
JF chapter 106 . 4/2/2019
Absolutely fabulous and the perfect ‘happy ever after’.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the most amazing story and for keeping me company all these years!
I’m not sure if you are a writer by profession but you should be. What a gift you have!
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