Reviews for pirouette
TheOtherMaidOfTarth chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
This was really intriguing. Though I haven't read many fics with Molly ii (out of the occasional nextgen fics that I have read), I feel as if this is a new take on next gen.

It isn't about having the perfect family (more like the opposite), and this isn't about having the perfect life and the perfect boyfriend (or at least, not exactly) and that's what I really like about it. The angst isn't over the top, in fact it's barely there, and that's another good thing about this piece.

My favourite part has to be when Molly was done with people telling her that she can't fly, Teddy was too old for her, etc., etc., because Teddy taught her how to fly and how to love (amongst other things). That was a wonderful parallel of sorts, like a Before Teddy and After Teddy, a 'then and now' sort of thing.

There was also really nice imagery throughout, particularly at the end. This freeverse is made even better by the lack of SPaG mistakes.
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
This was a great piece. Honestly, I'm not exactly a fan of next-gen, but I absolutely loved what you did there. Molly's relationship with Teddy sounded really good, and I loved how you characterized her in this, as a strong girl who's not afraid to fall down as long as Teddy's there to catch her.
And the style of your freeverse was pretty good too, I thought ;)
Nice work :)
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
This was really great. I like the stylistic choice, the lack of emphasis because it makes me believe that everything is important to this story.

I think this is the first time I've read Molly/Teddy (seeming as I'm more a fan of LilyLuna/Teddy). But it was definitely interesting, and I really liked the fact that you didn't bring Victoire into this. Whether you disregarded that from the epilogue or you didn't know how they would've broke up doesn't matter. You focused solely on Molly and Teddy's relationship, which is just wonderful.

Hufflepuff!Molly is good. My headcanon for her has her as a Gryffindor, but that's alright. Her being a Hufflepuff works in this one. [no, you tried /that's what a Hufflepuff does] - I think this has to be my favorite line because it makes me relate. (I have told you that I'm half 'Puff, right?) So that line just kind of stabbed me in my memories.

I loved how supportive of Molly Teddy is. You don't really see that in RL, so it's nice to see it here. His characterization was lovely as well.

Overall, this was really good, dear!
loveislouder94 chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
I read this earlier this morning, and for some reason FF wasn't letting me log in to review. Anyway, it's letting me now, and I'm glad to be able to tell you that I found this to be very enjoyable. I absolutely love this part: "and a word that has claws
hurts more
than a week of pirouettes," it's so true!
Nice work!