Reviews for Common Sense
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
random guy chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
yea this make a of of sense... but then there wouldn't be a story... and since the story is all about comedy and slapstick...
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
But! But that's boring! I for read Manga to escape the world of Common sense (though some Manga are just pushing it... Quincy!Shinigami!Hollow!Fullbringer!Ichigo anyone? Bleach sounds like a bad fanfic these days)
TharzZzDunN chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
I'm sorry as amusing as that idea is, what makes you think common sense applies to magic?
Numerous things could happen, the unstable pattern their bodies would take in adding that much energy could produce an explosion, multiple bodies with the same mind, the people return to their original chemical composition, they drown in the second pool: it is after all the spring of drowned man nothing in that label says it can't collect more victims.

FireInLife chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
If Ranma had common sense, he probably wouldn't have blindly followed Genma around or ignored the guides warnings.

And honestly, this isn't exactly common sense. Ranma got cursed from the springs, is it really a good idea to try jumping into another cursed spring hoping that they'd somehow cancel out? Sure it worked out in the end, but it still was a stupid decision to make :P

Anyways, that's reading too in depth to a small oneshot like this. Thanks for the story _
Gorrilian chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
That was decidedly refreshing.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Good idea, most of the reasons that would make it unworkable are only part of the "Everything must go wrong or wacky" rule that govern the Ranma universe to makes it entertaining, mostly that the curse wouldn't disappear but worsen, mix with the prior curse ect.
But ultimately that's not really a matter of it being canon, fanon or whatever, it's only about the type of story you want to write: if you want to stay on the slapstic/burlesque comedy side of things keeping the curse or worsening it is the way to go, if you prefer to change the tone to something more serious-which can work very well if it's well done-you give a sure way to fix the curse and steps for the characters to follow to attain it.

Here you have a good potential mix, while the curse is cured, the crazy logic of the cast is not since Ranma appear here as the only guy with enougth common sense to save himself, it's quite possible the guide forget to follow his advice or simply that people ignore his warning in the future: that would make the story a comedy but one shifting from total slapstic to a one focused on a no nonesense character living in a crazy world.
The NHK Ambassador chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
Ahaha, this is why the cast of Ranma is filled with idiots, so the potential hilarity will ensue.

Now Akane will have no one to initially open up to
Now Shampoo has to live a mundane life as an Amazon
Now the rivalry between Ranma and Ryoga has no twist to it.

Ukyo wins!
randoma35 chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
OK nice little theory but i have to break it down using two characters pantyhose taro and the frog hermit as far as i can tell from them the curses don't cancel each other out they stack the proof pantyhose taro fell in the spring of drowned yeti riding ox while holding crane and eel but his cursed form is like a chimera not any of these forms and the frog hermit is better proof other than the fact how do you drown a frog his cursed form can talk and is about his human height im gonna guess that he did just this and jumped into the spring of drowned man.

so if they stack and ranma fell in the spring of drowned girl and tried to cure it by jumping into the spring of drowned man the curses would stack and there is a word for someone who is a man and a woman at the same time its a hermaphrodite.

im looking way to deep into this!
TL chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
Only thing is that the Guide doesn't know where the man spring is at this point. The other is that no one with the last name of Saotome has any of this to begin with. Not reading the next page on the cat-fist, going to china with out knowing how to talk to anyone...

Thing is the Guide either doesn't know, can't tell them, doesn't know the words in Japanese to tell them or is pissed that some more idiots walked into his training field and didn't "stay awhile and lessen" and so he sends them off, only to think that Ranma's not so bad after all in the end or something.

As for everyone who keeps bring up Pantyhose's curs with the, somehow, drowned octopus spring. There are two odd things that must be remembered with anything to do with Pantyhose's curse. One it is a mixed curse already, the spring did the best it could with four different animals at the same time so adding one more to the mix isn't that hard to believe.

second, he only souks the back of his CURSED form, he doesn't dunk his whole body in. As such he just adds to his old curse, he takes grate pains to make sure his old one isn't over written.

There is a third point as well, Taro has had his curse from just minutes after he was born. Having a curse for that long might make it "lock" who knows? Word of God is that the man spring WILL fix Ranma so there you all go.
A Reader chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Interesting but One thing Common sense would be this.
Ranma where is spring of drowned man?
Guide Over there good sir but would not use as is a CURSED spring It will not cure a CURSE from another CURSED spring the CURSES will mix to make Something WORSE.
gort420 chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
ranma's curse taught him humility without it he's a complete asshole.
Crescent Pulsar chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Common sense is all well and good, but introducing it removes a great deal of entertainment potential from the series. ;p

Aside from the canonical reasons for why Ranma and Genma didn't think of such a solution, and why the Jusenkyo guide didn't mention it himself (maybe he was being spiteful for not being listened to?), the only real problem that I have with believing the effectiveness of the cure's application is the timing. Ranma and Genma are soaked with the cursed water of other springs (Ranma would - indeed - still be dripping wet, since he went into the spring immediately after leaving the other), hence the waters would mix.

I was still amused, nonetheless, so I give it a passing grade.
terryie chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
The consequence of mixing curses was shown with Taro. The Pools of Sorrow are chaos magic and it would definitely be the duty of the guide to further the chaos. Sending the keg of spring water as a "gift" to an event with multiple cursed guests would have without the intervention of Happosai would have probably seen one of the females cursed.

Common sense would have had Ranma leaving the idiot there.
Richard Ryley chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Previous reviewer: Actually, the Guide took them to the Joketsuzoku to look for food. Ranma and Genma both mention that they're starving, and the Guide doesn't have enough to feed them.

The Jusenkyo Guide certainly knew what the cure was at the end of the manga, so why he forgot to mention it is yet another mystery. :) Personally, I feel he was prohibited from mentioning it.

Keep in mind, it's not much of a curse if you can just go and cure it right away. :)
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