Reviews for Changeless
Guest chapter 19 . 4/14
I want 's the most amazing and interestin fanfiction that i've ever 's so will be so happy if you'll do the next part about this couple,this about 1 season of originals or something,but do it.I will be with Pleck leave me anhappy forever,because Klaroline is not i miss them so don't you do this to me and hope you will think about itand sorry for my English,it is not my mother tongue
ashleigh pypers chapter 19 . 12/29/2019
god, the you made me sob when her and kol died. my best friend hates kol (she's insane like that), so I actually used this fic to convince her. and when they died. I sobbed. legit sobbed. also, I loved it when she said "what's the matter, Marcel? you look like you've seen a ghost." if I ever come back from the dead and have to exact revenge, you better believe i'm using that line.
ashleigh pypers chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
OMIGOD, he said the woman LOVE! i'm fangirling so hard right now
ashleigh pypers chapter 5 . 12/29/2019
ugh. I hate human Caroline. plus, once someone takes the cure, they can't be turned. not again
ashleigh pypers chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
I honestly think that the only reason Klaus hasn't ever said "I love you" to Caroline in this or in the show is because after 1000 years of living, those words don't seem as important as they used to
amcke1991 chapter 19 . 8/17/2019
This was such a beautiful and equally heartbreaking story! You have done an incredible job and the ending was just utterly perfect in every way. Entirely EPIC
amcke1991 chapter 10 . 8/17/2019
Frustrated is the right word! Haha
marilyn7657 chapter 19 . 2/12/2019
This was heart breaking. So painful at times that I had to stop every so often to wipe my eyes. But true love prevailed. And much thanks to Bonnie's sacrifice, Klaroline lived happily ever after.

Will there be continuance to our couple's journey? I hope so.

Thank you so much. You are a brilliant writer.
Mxxyy44 chapter 19 . 7/13/2018
This story and Timeless are so incredible. omg, I cried a lot while I read them. I really love them. Thank you so much for these amazing works.
Lumin chapter 19 . 2/28/2018
I read both Timeless and Changeless, and I think they were really good. Loved the concept and back n forth with Klaroline. To be honest, I half expected you to make Caroline pregnant with Klaus' child when she was still human. Although this ending is still nice. Glad I picked this up.
Meg chapter 19 . 2/13/2018
This is the first fan fiction that has ever resonated with me so much that it’s made me cry. Superb writing, better than that of the show! Thank you so much for writing this x
Klarobass chapter 19 . 10/8/2017
I didn't think it was possible for me to love a story more than I loved Timeless from you, buy buy was I wrong. I loved the realism of the ending here. Not everything was rainbows and sunshine. Klaus got Caroline back to the land of the living, but it came at a cost. Bonnie is such a great friend to Caroline, making the ultimate sacrafice so she could live. I love that Klaus was the one. who got to turn Caroline and that it enhanced her powers compared to when Katherine turned her. I think it was realistic that you didn't have Klaus and Rebekah make up. As much as he may miss her, I think it's difficult for him to forgive her when he could have lost Caroline for good. This was the best ending I could have pictured for this story. I'd like the imagine that Kol and Bonnie continue on in the other side, watching over Caroline and Klaus, so thank you for delivering this amazing story to us. I enjoyed it too the last period. It made be sad at times, but it made the good moments all that much better.
Vangogh92 chapter 19 . 10/7/2017
I loved this. I hated this at times, but those heart-wrenching moments only made the good moments that much sweeter. I cried, I rolled my eyes when Kol was being Kol, I laughed and mourned. You wrote the desperation of the losses very well, I felt them tangibly. I also like how it wasn't all tied up with a happy little bow at the end. Klaus and Rebekah didn't make up, Kol and Bonnie weren't miraculously saved. I liked the reality of the ending. The end game goal of klaroline was maintained but it was very obvious how much destruction was necessary for that to play out. Overall, good plot-line and good execution!
Klarobass chapter 18 . 10/7/2017
Yes, finally Silas is dead and he didn't get what he wanted. It's ironic, all Silas wanted was to reunite with his one true love and find peace only to learn that she was never dead to begin with, Quetsiya had outsmarted him. It's the ultimate punishment and suffering the way he was killed and I couldn't have imagined it any other way. Go Bonnie! I love that it was Klaus that got to have his revenge and be the one to kill Silas. That'll teach him not to mess with Klaus! I love that Klaus got to spend one last night with Caroline, for prom no less and got to say a proper goodbye to her. It's sad that in the morning he might never see her again. I wish they did find a way to bring her back, and maybe they can, but if they can't stleast they got to share one last night together. You could feel their agony of his they're feeling, understanding it might be their last night together forever. Making it all that much more painful for both of them. But in that moment, they tried to not let it hinder their last night together. Also enjoyed the Kol and Bonnie stuff. I think it's one relationship that had a lot of potential that never got explored and I love how Bonnie revered him as her friend and what could have been more. I look forward to seeing how this story will conclude.
Klarobass chapter 17 . 10/4/2017
I think it was interesting to read this in Bonnie's POV. Poor Bonnie. First having to deal with the grief of losing Caroline, than having to deal with Silas hounding her in her head. A party of be doesn't want Silas to get what he wants, but I know Bonnie has something witchy up her sleeve planned. I appreciate the fact Bonnie attended Kol's funeral and even have him something of hers. It just shows how close they've grown and how much closer they could have grown if it wasn't for Silas. I wonder who else is in on whatever Bonnie's plan is. It was a nice change to read a chapter from Bonnie's POV rather than read Klaus wallowing for a whole chapter. Though I wonder what he's up to. It makes sense Elijah Wood send him away so he would start a rampage in mystic falls in anger. Glad Rebekah and Matt are about to do Some research to know the enemy. I'm wondering what Quetsiya's fail safe for Silas was. The town seems so different and gloomy without Caroline's presence. Looking fists to reason these final couple of chapters.
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