Reviews for The Fan Investigation
Pecha Pichu chapter 7 . 3/12/2018
Hetalia coming to life? Existence of real ANPs? This is awesome, please don't abandon it!
OliveOil's chapter 7 . 9/13/2017
Will this ever be updated? I'm so interested in this, it has a unique storyline and dives past the 4th wall. Something different from normal Hetalia themes, it's darker but ohso realistic to the point where it's a little scary. I just can't even imagine if Alfred found out who the 2p's were. Also I can't wait till I see the other Hetalia characters, how will this all go down? I don't know, I hope you chose to update this. It's too good to just let it fall down the drain.
OliveOil's chapter 7 . 9/13/2017
will this ever be... d?
Emotional Fruit chapter 7 . 6/1/2016
Why not use America's 2P name? Also, this fanfiction is amazing, it makes me really sad that it seems to be discontinued. If you ever check back here, know that there are people who love what you've written and would be very happy to see it continue.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/5/2016
This book is awesome, and you are a very talented writer! (Seriously, this seems like it's written by a professional.)
Noirfos chapter 5 . 3/5/2016
It's a haiku isn't it? And voulez-vous means "what do you want" I'm pretty sure.
BirdSpell chapter 7 . 12/18/2014
Th-that's it?
This story is one of the best I've seen on this site, and I really hope you update soon. I have a sneaking suspicion the Hetalia characters are plotting something… How else would Japan manage to avoid getting caught for so long? Also, the French… This is an absolutely brilliant story, and I can't wait to see what comes next!

Oh, and for America's name… Maybe Allen? I know that's 2p America, but it just seems fitting…
Hello chapter 7 . 10/18/2013
I personally would like you to update please. This story is like an interesting twist that is very unique. I would like to here Canada's and the others view on this and it's funny how cartoon Japan hasn't been found out yet.
amazing-king-nate chapter 6 . 9/1/2013
WHAT! The names did come up. Let me try that again.
First names:
1. Johnny
2. Dick
3. Kody/Cody

Last names:
1. Rotten
2. Matlock
3. Woods.


( o )/ びぇ
amazing-king-nate chapter 7 . 9/1/2013
ANP America human name should be...
First name:

Last name:

(more of an English name)

Since ANP America's has blue hair, I feel that he should be a little punkish! Rotten and Matlock, Sex Pistols; Dick, is a name that is like you being a dick and is really rudish kind of name; Kody/Cody, well that name was based off of someone I knew who was like (Cartoon) America a lot.
Names are "part" of our personality, so choosing a name is really hard. Like if my name wasn't Natalya and was Madison instead, I BET that I would be a wholw butthole more nice. I am kind of the bully to the popular and nice/tease to the nerds. Madison I think would be nice to everyone, but hardly knows the nerds.
Giod luck with the name chooseing (o)/
EverydayUSUK chapter 7 . 8/26/2013
That book Japan is reading sounds a lot like a really good or a really bad fanfiction...
Dog the Pigeon chapter 2 . 8/26/2013
This story shows a side of hetalia most don't delve into, and I love it! Your story seems so real I just want to believe it is!
hetaliaforever123 chapter 6 . 8/19/2013
Poor America! What happened to him?! I'm hooked!
kerouacs chapter 6 . 8/9/2013
This story keeps getting more fascinating the more I read on! I do have to wonder what exactly is going on in Alfred's dreams, as well as what the ANPs' reactions would be once they've been exposed more to the fandom.

Speaking of the portrayal of fandom works, I'd say it's best to show both sides of the coin? What I mean is, we know a lot of the general fanon works are mostly ship fuel and such, but the inner circles of the fandom that take care of portraying historical accuracy and such should be accounted for too! The Hetalia fandom has mountains of historically rich and dark fanworks that I feel don't get as much credit as they deserve.

It's also important the series itself gets a bit more brushed on. A lot of fanon portrayals are actually the result of misinterpreting the canon source, so a lot of people miss things like Poland and Lithuania not actually getting along as well as people have the impression of them being. Just throwing out my two cents here!
natsuxlucyONLY chapter 6 . 8/7/2013
This story is awesome. Dot. Period. End. Schldadowsh /shkld-da-dowsh/. I can't add anymore higher points that AWWEEEEEESSSSSOMMMMEEEELLLLYYYY SCCCCCCHHHHLDAAAADOWWWWWSHHH!
(If you don't understand, please feel free to ask me through PM :D :D :D)
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