Reviews for Neal Caffrey, Who? discontinued
Guest chapter 16 . 10/26/2017
please update! It's been a few years
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 4/28/2017
Awesome chapter and plot and amazing idea
21JumpStreetMcQuaids chapter 16 . 9/12/2016
please update wonder what happens
SlytherinPrincess1005 chapter 16 . 3/14/2016
Are you going to write more
Dareagon chapter 16 . 2/25/2016
Very nice story! I hope you'll still update this soon! Pretty please?
anya chapter 16 . 9/20/2015
I love you this is my absolute favourite cross over and you're one of my favourite authors! This fic is so good, it makes me want to cry- I really hope you know how much I appreciate you writing this and wow you're amazing I genuinely don't know what else to say, thank you so so much
fanofstorys chapter 16 . 6/12/2015
Yay! Two chapters! Ad they were wonderful! :
Can't wait for the next one :)
THEMoDePo chapter 16 . 6/11/2015
Please continue... don't if I reviewed before on your story bit I really really like it, I have always wanted a story with little!blaine and protective big brother cooper and the fact that you merged glee and white collar toget so perfectly os fantastic! I loved this two chapters you posted and will be on alert for when you post more :D
MaDancer chapter 16 . 6/11/2015
Thank you so much for updating! I love this story
Emrys Myrddrin chapter 9 . 4/12/2015
I love how Mozzie's nickname for Blaine is little B. I have a friend at school who's mom is the newspaper teacher, and we call the teacher Mrs. B and our friend little B. I love the cuteness so far, but I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop with Peter.
caseylf123 chapter 12 . 11/3/2014
Great chapter. I just love the interaction between Cooper and Blaine.
caseylf123 chapter 14 . 10/4/2014
Great chapter. Loved Peter's reaction to Blaine's announcement. Obviously, so did Neal.
ronnyangel88 chapter 14 . 10/3/2014
awe blaine is so adorable in this. And i liked Peter's reaction. I would love to see Elizabeth interact with Blaine she would have made a great mother.
5ngela chapter 14 . 10/1/2014
Really love it. I am glad that you've updated it. Please continue soon. I can't have enough for Blaine cuteness. Thank you
Leonette Sarasz chapter 14 . 10/1/2014
Is there gonna be any pairing for Neal? Just asking...
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