Reviews for Babies Having Babies
IsThisPhantasy chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
cute cute cute cute CuTe CuTE CUte CUtE
mariogman25 chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
Heh, I did Inigo/Lucina too on my first playthrough.
I was going to do Noire/Brady in my 2nd playthough
(M) Morgan/Cynthia: Didn't think of that... ok then.

How about Yarne/Nah? Half human/Half Dragon-Rabbit! I BET IT'D LOOK AWESOME!
Also, good chapters, also, Could you mention who where the 2nd gens fathers/mothers?
utdfan22 chapter 3 . 9/1/2013
Inigo/ Lucina: Inigo'll be fine... having a baby (past the point of the actual procreation) involves no seducing of women and he seems like a pretty well put together guy after that point. Aside from the shyness, the insecurities, the emotional breakdown after each failure... Lucina was right to be worried.

Brady/ Noire: Knowing Noire's lousy luck, the kid'll have paper skin and bones of glass. They'll hurt like hell if you get hit with them but they'll break after just three uses.

Morgan (Male)/ Cynthia: I know sugar is a key ingredient in any happy child's diet but if he's gotten the energy of both of his parents, I'd temper Christopher's chocolate bars with sleeping pills. Maybe three pills for every one bar.

Top notch story and the title is about as clever as an title is allowed to be by law, so congrats on the uplifting work.
loncuties chapter 3 . 8/12/2013
I read all three chapters. Very good. I loke it alot. :D
Deader than the Doornail chapter 3 . 8/2/2013
I really like how you wrote Cynthia; very SUPER-DUPER! I think that's how you spell it...

Anyway, nice chapter!
Strawberry Eggs chapter 3 . 8/1/2013
Heroic mother huh? Even though that fits much of the female cast of this game, it does suit Cynthia to a T. I quite like the back and forth between Morgan and Cynthia. It's just like Morgan to be concerned for his wife (and anyone he cares about, really). And Cynthia's already thinking of having more kids, heh.

Also, d'wwwaa at Lucina and Inigo having Twin. X3

Another sweet, fluffy short. If you can't tell, I quite like it. :)
TheMysteriousGeek2345 chapter 3 . 8/1/2013
Hehehe! Poor Morgan! :D I am loving this! More please, and at the rate all the children are going, they'll be able to create their own army comprised just of their descendents! :D
Salmonie chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
That was amazing. Brady taking care of noire like that.
Salmonie chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Well at least it isn't lucina and gerome.
passwordrawr chapter 2 . 6/22/2013
You... are a wonderful, wonderful writer. Keep it up.
Deader than the Doornail chapter 2 . 6/22/2013
Aw! Brady is so well portrayed in this chapter! Strong, responsible and a worry-wart! And Noire is also very well done! Another nice chapter! I hope you update soon!
Deader than the Doornail chapter 1 . 6/22/2013
I never really imagined Lucina liking Inigo, but this was a pretty sweet chapter! Inigo's reaction was... for lack of a better word... CUTE! Will you be coming back to them later on?

Nice writing! :D
selenia-sopheria chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
How sweet! The children are all so pair-able, so I'll be glad no matter who's with who.
Strawberry Eggs chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
Oh ho! So this has become a one-shot collection. Well, don't mind if I do. :3 I do so love family and baby fluff/stories, which is perhaps a bit odd since I myself don't wish to have children.

Not so much fluff in this one, though completely understandable and very appropriate. It is sweet, though in a somewhat depressing sense that Noire wants to be a mother so badly, considering her childhood. I did like that sentence about how Brady and Noire were fairly certain they could raise a child well (or as you put it "Noire, if nothing else, knew what not to do.") However, poor Noire is what would be called a high-risk pregnancy in this day and age. I also like how Noire's inner strength is brought up and Brady uses it as a hope that his wife and future child will pull through because of it.

Hmm...Too big a belly? Twins perhaps? Oh dear, that would actually be rather rough on the poor young woman.

So yes, this chapter/short is very well written, the pacing excellent, hits the right emotions, and Brady and Noire are nicely in-character. I quite enjoyed it. I can safely assume that Severa x Laurent will have a story, but I am curious and shall await to see what other marriages you will write about.

Of course this is your story and I'll respect whatever pairing choices you make in it. Unlike other fandoms, I tend to be more open about multiple pairings with the same character(s) with this game anyway. However, if you do pair a certain son of a tactician with a certain dragon-girl, I would be quite delighted. :D
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
Poor Noire. It sounds painful... Are you planning on doing Owain with someone? Maybe Female Morgan?
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