Reviews for Log Rhythms
LinZE chapter 26 . 7/12/2011
This is phenomenal. I love your take on the Trip/Malcolm thing and although I'm not usually a huge fan of OCs your cast works really well.

Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading more

Brightbear chapter 26 . 6/13/2005
This is really brilliant - love the way you do all the regular characters and I love your originals too; especially Cormack. You follow the episodes really well.

*sigh* Now I just have to get my hands on the second season since I managed to miss it when it was on TV...
Brandytook chapter 2 . 8/28/2003
I really like how you protray Malcolm, he's just so . . . him.

Nice fic.
Helen47 chapter 26 . 6/16/2003
I was just lurking around the for some quiet night-evening reading, when I stumbled on this story. Never read any star trek-slash before, figured I could give it a shot.

I read the two first chapter and was hooked! I eagerly downloaded rest of the story and read for another 3 hour, then had to break for some sleep, but knowing I had another 8 chapters to read, it wasn't easy to sleep ;)

But seriously, I think I'll never watch Enterprise the same again! *lol*

Since we're only in season 1, latest episode was Cold Front, I can't wait to see the remaining ones and looking for some Tucker/Reed moments *grins*

But, you've done an excellent job so far, it's believable, not too much mush or less :)

And the way you wave in the episodes... I really looking forward to watch the episodes now! :)

And it's fun to read about someone else in the crew, talking about Stephanie & co. Don't know if they're in so much in enterprise, but it's really refreshing.. in some way :)

Recently finished reading the story, and will start to read he sequel any moment now, can't wait to see how their relationship evolves :)

Oh, just one more thing.. since I'm from sweden, couldn't notice that you had some sweden-relating in the story.. e.g Ingrid Bergman and a crewman who's halfswedish! think his name was Griffith or something.. just coincidence or?

Anyway, keep writing, it has been a wonderful entertainment!

Seriously, I'm sitting here with a wide grin, can't stop thinking about those two... think I need to go see the episodes I have recorded...

I think you've waken my Tucker/Reed-shippernes! :) They're really a cute couple.

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading! :)

Vague Lenore chapter 11 . 5/2/2003
DNash! Ok, I've read this whole story (and part of season 2), but I'm reviewing here because this is the point where Malcolm's personal life becomes a bit beter. You did such an awesome job with his desires and especially his suffering...I almost didn't want it to end (a sucker for other's pain here). So, you BETTER, you MUST continue this whole story - in seasons, generations, or whatever. You're one of those rare writers who's able to portray different aspects of a story smoothly; I feel I'm each character on focus. I feel like I'm actually on Enterprise. Most writers attempt this (myself included), but you got it down. Don't you dare stop writing!
Madoushi-Clef chapter 26 . 2/2/2003
Wow. Very good. Very well planned. Dare I even say... logical? *grin* Now, it's been quite a while, are you going to finish this?
SithelfJen chapter 20 . 1/31/2003
Just wanted to say this is an outstanding series and this is the best Trip/Reed story I have ever read. I like the way you slowly built up the relationship. I cheered when they fianlly kissed.

Love all those CDN references. Vancouver Oracs~LOL!

Keep up the great work.

rugga girl chapter 26 . 11/12/2002
that was great, you really are a genius.

one question though, r u a female genius or a male genius. the name doesn't really help that much.

keep writing (i know u have and i've just started that one, should be good) i hope theres some friction between the couple, coz they are just too god damn perfect, grrrrrrr.

thanks for the great fic that has filled many hours.

rugga girl
Val Mora chapter 1 . 11/10/2002
I have to mention this, since I forgot in my original review at the end - weaponry is a real phallic symbol. Was that little allusion ("If he ever got too…frustrated, he could throw himself into his work. Nothing beat blowing things up when you needed to release some tension.") intentional, or not? *grin* Sorry, just felt the overpowering desire to point that out.
Val Mora chapter 26 . 11/9/2002
You're amazing! This is GREAT - I'm HOOKED! You make all the situations believable, and the characters are all in character, and the interaction between the characters is realistic, and true to the personalities in the show. The only problem I have is on my side; I can't remember what episode names have what happening in them, so I get kind of lost at the beginning of chapters. Neh. That's my problem, though.

There's also a fair number of characters (some of them original, some not) and I can't keep track of them very well - it took me until Cutler asked Phlox out in YOUR story to remember who she was. Again, though, that's my fault. I'm not as much of a Trekkie as I ought to be. Pay too much attention to my favorite characters. _~ *coughReedandTripcough*

Anyway, I really love this (I adore your title, by the way!), and you've done a marvelous job with it - did I forget to mention that I had to be HAULED up to bed at two in the morning to get me to go to bed without finishing this? I was only on chapter nine, too. *sigh* Meh, and then when I woke up, I went straight on to this. And now I shall proceed directly to the sequel - without passing 'Go.' _~
rugga girl chapter 1 . 10/31/2002
Why is it that all the fit chief engineers are gay!just mu luck

good story by the way, well the few logs i have read
Lomadia chapter 1 . 10/30/2002
they make a lovely couple...

I didn't know fics this good even EXISTED!

i don't even want to ASK how long it took to write!

but it was BRILLIANT, and you've captured everyones's personalities really well.

well done, it made great reading, and is definitely going on my favourites _


Archer'sEnsign chapter 19 . 10/13/2002
More Trip and Reed smut, the gaming stuff too.
Willow8 chapter 26 . 9/29/2002
0.0! Wow...they make such a cute couple! Are you done torturing them? I've just spent all day reading this, and was very dissapointed when there was no chapter 27. ;_;

I love this story and it's going on my favourites list definately!

I'll be keeping an eye out for the next update, great fic! _

PretendDaisy chapter 26 . 9/21/2002
I can't wait to read your next installment! Great work on the story; you've really captured the moods of Trip and Malcolm! Excellent job!

~Pretend Daisy~
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