Reviews for Hunters Don't Wear Blaze Orange
Makanie chapter 13 . 2/21/2019
Great story!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/15/2015
Oh...I KNEW THE CORONER LOOKED FAMILIAR! Thank you for pointing that out. :) love the story.
mysticaljayne chapter 13 . 9/7/2014
This was funny, but I guess any combo with Shawn would have to be.
Rascal chapter 13 . 8/26/2014
Totally fangirled my way through this!
I had ghostbusters playing while I read and my only wish is that this was longer!
Who should I call?
The Winchesters!
Rascal chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
When there's the something strange,
in your houtel room,
Who you gonna call?
Sam and Dean!
thetideishigh1959 chapter 13 . 7/7/2014
That ending doe... I'm dying! Great job! Very entertaining and fun to read.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/20/2014
'Nothing left for heaven and hell to do lucifer escapes or the king of heaven returns'
sam is the vessel for lucifer
dean was supposed to be the vessel for Michael
and the things during season 9/ possibility 10...
Guest chapter 13 . 12/16/2013
I loved the story! And I pointed out the Zachariah thing to my mom when we watched the musical last night!
CorbynPool chapter 13 . 11/10/2013
A very good job at keeping everyone in character and a believable story. Very well written and funny, highly recommend.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/25/2013
Really, really, good! Original, too- the only one I've read so far that had Juliet as a hunter. And at the end, I started to freak out when they realized it was Zachariah. Amazing!
Somilge chapter 13 . 9/21/2013
I enjoyed this a lot. Calling back to Dean's time as torturer in Hell was a good move - I love Supernatural but sometimes they have a tendency to introduce large plotlines that slowly fizzle out (case in point Adam still in Lucifer's cage). Juliet was amazing in this, and I'm glad Shawn is back to being Shawn; the idea of him being possessed by a vengeful demon is pretty discomforting.

You're cliffhanger ending did leave the possibilty of a sequel - the brothers revisiting Santa Barbara after that revelation. Just a suggestion; whatever you do next I would love to read it!
Somilge chapter 5 . 9/20/2013
I'm loving this story. Your characterizations are wonderfully spot on (which I'm a big sucker for - I love your Shawn in particular) and the plot is intriguing, especially the secret that Juliet is keeping about it. I'm sad that I have to take a break, but I'll pick this back up really soon!
Emachinescat chapter 13 . 9/20/2013
Haha… loved the ending. I’ve always thought it was hilarious that the same guy who played Zachariah played Woody, and it’s really hard reconciling the two as being the same actor, because I hate Zachariah with a fiery passion of hatred, and I love Woody (but only sometimes, other times, he’s quite creepy, LOL)… Ha, if Woody was Zachariah’s meatsuit for a while… Nah, that’s crazy…

Anyway, LOL. Loved the bit about being possessed by a snail and the Bohemian Rhapsody bit. And “Gus won’t give me any pudding!”

Basically, it was all fantastic! Tres bien! Molto bene!
Emachinescat chapter 12 . 9/20/2013
Haha… you seriously wrote this so well!
Emachinescat chapter 4 . 9/20/2013
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