Reviews for Infinite Stars
Guest chapter 2 . 1/3/2017
Pathetic story. Yor writting style is dry as brick and i almost fell asleep in chapter 1. Then there are glaring plotholes and story is unbelievable. Its more believable that Yoda is the secret sith lord than sasuke being jedi.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21/2016
Great yeah.. Make the story about the girl it's good to chase away readers.. Why am I saying this? And why do I think this so? Because. I have a good group of readers on Facebook mainly for fanfiction.. This was voted 2/10 .. Out of all 43 of them.. So.. I'd like to say you yourself should read this and say it's interesting.. If you do say that you've got bad tastes in stories. Plus the story went at a pace too fast. That and it really went damn fast. No reader wants to read nothing but explaination a and so rare few scenes of talk. We don't like it nor do we like the fact you seem to be inconsiderate towards your readers. I'm gonna go and hopefully you ponder on this to find out why? Why is it the readers don't like this at least research it. End review.
Ataxius chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
Sasuke in this story ruined all interest for me.
t chapter 3 . 8/2/2015
Can see some major plot holes already.
Lord Asmodeus chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
You wasted an awful long while focusing on Vastara, I found her to be quite a pathetic character. To fall for one's enemy is always pathetic. Her dialogue with Ship simply reinforced my views.

Hopefully, she would not make Naruto as weak as her.
Silvereye-BW chapter 3 . 3/22/2015
Digging it.

Good luck and update soon.
im leaving fanfic chapter 3 . 3/13/2015
Please update this story soon you were gone for a full year and we only get 1 update, then your gone again for 8 months with no updates what the hell man your a great author but your losing your touch at this writing game.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
well, i lost all interest when i saw Sasuke would be in this and even worse a Jedi... didn't even get to the actual chapter
Lord Asmodeus chapter 3 . 8/19/2014
It would be good if Naruto were to read the emotions and thoughts of those around him. And he finally finds out what what people truly think and feel about him. It would be marvelous. Especially the damning words of Sakura.
RandalNubs chapter 3 . 8/13/2014
Cool story .. Time till they leave ? !
Bloody-Asphode11 chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
Ah Cliffhangers a most annoying foe

well im hooked in, PLEASE UPDATE
Bloody-Asphode11 chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
Okay... I smell the bait and shall now read chapie 3

let's see if i take the hook
Peter Kim chapter 3 . 7/25/2014
Truth is that too many people hate and loathe Sasuke and if you make this a pro Sasuke fic,alot of people will stop reading this fic. You should make Naruto retuen when is is 15 or so(time jump of Naruto anime and manga).
ddk chapter 3 . 7/19/2014
nice chapter
thanks for updating
Amidamaru88 chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
you made a huge mistake revealing Sasuke's ultimate fate, delete that part from the chapter, let us see the road he takes to get there don't tell us what will happen to him from the get go
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