Reviews for The Moonlight War
This Muse chapter 7 . 6/5
Hey, uh, chapter 7 “the other trio” is in html format. Just letting you know.
Amber Eyed Dragon chapter 7 . 8/19/2019
this whole chapter is broken...
ChombyGal chapter 54 . 3/23/2018
Well damn. I did not see that coming at all.
Guest chapter 53 . 3/20/2018
You did it again. Provided another wonderful and compelling chapter.
Can't wait for more.
Ben chapter 63 . 12/15/2014
Its funny how everyone was standing around Michael's bed even though there were three other injured people. Hermione was all like "Who cares if Ron's hurt."
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 47 . 9/19/2014
I really missed these guys, especially Jeff and Michael. As usually you do a superb job writing the interactions between these bunch of teens, right amount action, humour and fluff to keep everyone happy. Really interesting to see where this little adventure of theirs lead to, these lot in a jungle is the perfect setting to run wild!

Keep the awesomeness flowing!
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 46 . 9/19/2014
Oh my goodness! I loved it :D I guessed it was Andromeda when they made hints about her cousin and her daughter, and suddenly it just makes complete sense! We know so little about Andromeda in canon, except that she was brave enough to marry a muggle considering she came from a long line pureblood supremacists, so it makes so much of sense that she would be brave enough to have been a STRIKE member. I'm kind of seeing Staffon in a different light, maybe he isn't all that bad, maybe he is just misinformed, a decent person but a poor leader, those kinds of people exist right?

Altogether brilliant chapter
Ranger chapter 59 . 9/18/2014
Draco is not nearly this a) smart b) powerful c) skilled. Draco is completely incompetent and this is just silly.
The Super Saiyan Pope chapter 57 . 8/17/2014
This story really needs more reviews, it's fantastic. I've been following since about the 15th chapter, and I check for updates every other day or so. I'm curious about Sirius, hopefully this is against his will.
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 45 . 6/19/2014
I don't know how I feel about them going to help Strike, they're a very mercurial organization but I like the way you ended it. Poor Dexter whoever he was. I love the idea of all of them as teachers and the whole bit about the student asking about nargles might be one of the best things you ever wrote!

Amazing Job!
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 44 . 6/19/2014
Michael Jacobs visiting the muggle world was so hilarious! It might have been a bit tricky having to make them do things strictly the wizards way, wizards can be a bit old fashion about things and I don't they came up a viewing technique much like an ultrasound as yet!

Twins! I love it :D
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 43 . 6/19/2014
So the tests were hilarious and so like Hermione and Sarah to construct. It was a cute where to introduce the time skip and I like the idea of them all living in Hogwarts. You do an excellent job with dialogue as always!

EmeraldStorm7 chapter 42 . 6/3/2014
That was a spectacular end to the first part. I knew it was a boggart right from the start! Mostly because I knew none of them thought such things of her, and it kind of felt like the Snape thing to do, guard his office with that sort of creature. I'm really excited for the next part! A two year jump! That's awesome!

Great job so far!
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 41 . 6/3/2014
It ALWAYS hurts to read Dumbledore dying :( This chapter though was epic! Brilliant duel scenes! You can really plot out the perfect fight! It was a sad chapter, but amazingly written.
EmeraldStorm7 chapter 40 . 5/5/2014
This was horribly sad but beautifully written chapter. It's so weird to imagine Severus near Michael when he was that age, it's weird how all their paths cross. This explains Severus' last statement in the previous chapter though. Your characterization of Severus, Bellatrix and Lucius was impeccable, in particular I like Lucius, the subtle things that make him a Malfoy was evident.

Good stuff!
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