Reviews for Happy Birthday
Panda Master X chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
UGH. DX SODA SADD... so many feels. The ending feels a bit ambiguous cuz I can't really tell if Grim came back or if he suddenly died or.. Or ORWHAT?! DX AAAAGHH.
Fave Follow Accnt chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Ok so I thought I was going to have to sob for the rest of the day, but nice recovery. Bless this story and its happy ending.
DrMonsterKitty chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
I almost cried that it one of the best bleach fanfics I have ever read!
sa-shii-mi chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
I really want to write a good review but... sobsobsobso sob.
Misc. Ink chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
I really loved this piece, as well as "Maybe Tomorrow," which I will be reviewing next. When it said "tragedy," I was very worried about character death, which I hate to see, but I love your works so much I wanted to read through this; even if I cried. And...I did. I loved the emotion you put into this. It was so raw and graphic, and had just enough description so that we knew what was going on, while still keeping it to the point. My heartbeat was going crazy at Ichigo's description of Grimmjow's injuries and the details of the birthday party surprise. That would weigh heavily on him and Renji, and I am glad you brought that point up. The gurgling would have scared the crap out of me, so I thought Ichigo's reaction was spot on. I am glad there was a bit of a happier ending to this, that Grimmjow was alive and Ichigo was able to say what he had originally wanted to. I thoroughly enjoyed the variation this one-shot had to your longer stories, and you balanced description and shortness wonderfully; for this and "Maybe Tomorrow." I hope you write more one-shots in the future, as you do those just as well as your full-length pieces :)
Lochness Nessie chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
This is freakishly tragic. But I loved it. I know how bad days can turn into depressing or angry stories and/or drawings, its happened to me plenty of times. I loved that it was written fe
Ichigo's point of view. It made it that more heart-stopping. I love it :)
MMagnet chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
Yes, don't text and drive.

Frankly I found Ichigo's disorientation emphasised in a way that clearly captures the reality of this type of tragedy.

Clearly the man he loved was indangered by him and in this way he palms the blame onto himself to try which compensates for others.

It wasn't renji's fault or this person's fault, his emotional negativity really packs on the melancholy he feels and I enjoyed that.

In such a short amount of words you also capture a tight friendship and the devestation Renji has for Grimmjow. That takes great skill.

Not many fiction authors incorporate an armless Grimmjow but you did this more than effectively given the context of this fiction and I applaud that.

Such a heart warming union at the end when Grimmjow wakes up.

Truly thankful.
falsedfaith691 chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Very edgy and awesome :)
littlestplum chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Holy shit this nearly made me cry at school.
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Aww...and I'm sorry if ur having a bad day. Please feel better ok? We all get bad days, but try not to let it get to ya. I don't like seeing anyone depressed, especially a friend, so feel better!

I hope to see an update soon for Stranger or Lights, Camera Action! But I'll understand if u aren't up for it, so feel betters ok? Good luck! chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
I swear, everything you write is freaking amazing. And it usually brings me to tears. I absolutely love how you portray GrimmIchi, its so real and raw and just beautiful.
AnomalyLady chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
I cried... Actually had to wait a little before I could write. But that said, great writing and totally packed with emotion. I hope you feel better soon :)
xaveriix chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Just reading the summary made my throat constrict. It's a good angsty/tragic one-shot, and I needed to read one of these sooner or later. It was a good one-shot, I especially liked the scene where Ichigo admits that he never prayed and started praying in his own little way, as well as the end when Grimmy finally wakes up.
Emmzahh chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Fantastically written! Absolutely brilliant! I was teary eyed and everything! You've made me lone my OTP even more 3
Ghostpainter chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Waw you must have had a rough day to choke this out, I want to cry! I hope you're feeling better now all this angst is out of you and on paper (figuratively that is..) thank you, as always, for sharing your work with us!
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