Reviews for Story so far
Harleenbean chapter 8 . 3/8
im sorry.. izumi is just so annoying. and an instant nope for me is girls going after guys that dont treat them right from the get go. ill have to pass, its nicely written though.
Mustang's Inferno chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
Thank you for writing this story! I was pleasantly surprised while reading it. While the characters aren’t really the same, my fiancé and I went through a similar situation when he basically forced me into my dream of traveling the world and wouldn’t let me say no to giving up my dreams. We are in different countries working in School at the moment but we are engulfed and this story definitely made me smile. The sentiment was real!
Nicole NightLock chapter 23 . 11/13/2016
gaarasgirl389 chapter 25 . 10/20/2016
xD ROFLMAO! OK, this chapter made up for all the others. Marriage banter which by the way does that mean they only did it once even though they have been married for a year? The reactions on the phone (Akashi throwing the phoneto die for! xDand then finally the end. Dang, dude.
gaarasgirl389 chapter 24 . 10/20/2016
Omg! The drama is enough to making you want to smash your brains out, scope it up and repeat. Just. Get. Together. How. Are. You. So. Irritating! This is like reading Our an High School with 4 times the amount of chapters. This story could have been better if it was made with less chapters. Actually this reminds me of reading all of the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z manga chapters. The fights were drawn out for so long! But the painting was clever. It was funny!
gaarasgirl389 chapter 21 . 10/20/2016
They call her to the office and before something can make sense, they sent her away. Why did you even bother to call her in the first place? Oh my god, the drama is killing me!
gaarasgirl389 chapter 20 . 10/20/2016
I'm so ready to just kill this couple and her dad. You guys are so freaking annoying! Why am I even reading this? Oh right. I'm hoping for a decent ending. Otherwise, I'm burning everything to hell!
petitepetunia chapter 25 . 9/1/2016
will forever be loving this story!
petitepetunia chapter 21 . 9/1/2016
petitepetunia chapter 19 . 8/31/2016
go izumi go!
petitepetunia chapter 18 . 8/31/2016
I've always love third pov. i really your style of writing
jory014 chapter 24 . 5/28/2016
you did great. it was an interesting read. however, it could have had better developments. but still, kudos to you finishing your fanfic. aside from devleopments, my only qualms are grammar and using tbe right verb tenses.
i really liked the love triangle at the end. i just didnt expect it to be with taiga. it was interesting enough that i can read it until the end.
once again, awesome work.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/2/2015
Hahahaha i love it.. Good job authorchan..
Rosebud chapter 25 . 6/15/2015
I'm too lazy to log in right now but ohmygosh your story is awesome! I loved it so much. It made me cry, laugh and smirk. You wrote Akashi so perfectly. He was wonderful and I ADORED your OC. At first, the grammatical errors irked me somewhat but I didn't want to stop reading because the storyline was just too interesting. I read all of this in one whole sitting, spending about 2-3 hours more or less. I loved it! I can't stop saying it too. I just love your fic!

To be honest, I was also contemplating an arranged marriage fic with Akashi but I haven't written it yet because at the moment I am writing a Kise fic. I plan to finish it first before publishing it and I think that is probably going to take a while...Quite a long while too.
onyxthorn1998 chapter 25 . 5/13/2015
This was so much fun to read! I loved it so much! Brilliant story!
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