Reviews for Princess of Egypt
novelreader chapter 34 . 3/9
Hope you review soon. Things are getting interesting. Honestly I like your background characters better . Every action they make gives us a better view of what life was like in Atem’s past and Kisara, being the outsider, is the perfect person to use in order to see all of this so I think that’s the reason why this story is such a success.

But I sympathize a lot with Bakura and cannon had Kisara a foreign peasant who was abused and prejudiced. She’s the perfect foil to him because instead of allowing her hatred and anger to consume her, she uses it to protect the people she loves.

Of course, I also see her compared to the mythical dragon and of course she is, so despite her character not being too explored (which is sad. We were robbed of the Seto/Kisara romance) she fufills her mythical purpose of the mythical beast that was saved by the hero and who later repays the hero by saving him and whom the hero must later let go to when she’s come from. At least that’s the interpretation I got from somewhere. Because we’re in Kisara’s head, I feel like the mythical mystery of her is gone but in hindsight there is still a lot of her history that can be explored as well as why she is there, what is her purpose, and where did she come from which you touched a bit on in the fact that being abandoned by her original parents does bother her and there is an aspect of self-loathing in that she believes she doesn’t really deserve love because of how different she is... she’s a good fit for Seto or rather Kaiba because I know Kaiba has a lot of self-loathing. I’m not sure about Seto. He doesn’t seem to blame himself for his village’s demise or have any survivor complex or maybe you did show it and I missed it? I read a fanfic in this site where after the destruction of his village, Seto starts to hunt slavers out of anger. Those slavers? I was wondering, did they work for the pharaoh. Seto must be more mature or more wise when it comes to thinking about the morality of whose to blame or rather how to deal with grief then his future counterpart. But then the Kaiba of the future has been betrayed by authority figures so doesn’t trust them and only trust himself while Seto, who lost his entire family, has been saved by the government with it’s temples and have come to the country conclusion that in order to prevent what happened to him, government power must be raised to enforce order against thugs and vagabonds to create security and prevent massacres and village railings. Seto believed in authority whereas Kaiba is pretty cynical when it comes to authority figures and is much more wary.

Anyway was reading a lot of metas so I got speculative. I see Mahad has discovered the massacre of Kul Elna. Wonder who else will find out and what is Bakura doing there? Who is this teacher he was talking about? And is he going to introduce himself to the pharoah’s court early?

Also does Kisara know that Seto is Aknadin’s son?
Guest chapter 23 . 11/4/2019
Miss you
Red Wings chapter 34 . 2/15/2019
Valkyrie Elysia, we have something in common!

Although I got my B.A. several years ago, it took me a while to find what I really wanted to do. I was a history major, so I wanted to do something related in my future career. Working in a library or a museum is what I am certain I want to do. How about you?

Now, about the story. I'm glad you're still continuing it, though I haven't watched Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters in a while (I still remember all the episodes, though! The intros to each season are EPIC). So it looks like Bakura is about to make his entrance. Mahado has learned something about the Millennium Items. Kisara is learning her way around the palace and royal life.

I appreciate your taking the time to keep writing. Please keep it up!
Tahkaullus01 chapter 32 . 2/7/2019
So Mahad isn't just the Dark Magician, he's also Atem's Jounochi? Into every generation, I suppose.
Shinigami Merchant chapter 34 . 2/3/2019
I enjoyed this very mch, as you say its a set up chapter but it leaves me wanting more. Which is always good
Ai Star chapter 34 . 1/27/2019
Oh dear I smell trouble
Guest chapter 34 . 1/23/2019
I can't believe this was updated on my birthday of all days! Anyway it's okay not to feel like writing as you have said, you aren't being paid to write this fic. You don't really owe us anything. Other than that I am kinda hyped at how Kisara will treat our mysterious observer. As far as I've seen she's compassionate but also loyal, so I can see she'll understand where he's coming from but also point out his hypocrisy. I do hope you can complete this story, but if you don't I'd be satisfied if you'd at least give a summary or don't. I'll just have to use my imagination! Good luck with your other projects and sorting out what you want to do in life
MEADynasty chapter 34 . 1/24/2019
Good luck
And I am just like that interested in where you are going to take him(our favorite thief), it should be good
Princess Sarada Uchiha chapter 34 . 1/22/2019
Yes you update the story. I can't wait for more.
itxprincessxlala chapter 34 . 1/21/2019
So exciting to see an update and lovely chapter as always! I'm excited that you set up some action for the future chapters to come. Glad you're doing okay and please don't give up on this story! Even if it's slow to write you definitely have loyal fans still eager to read it!
Animecartooncomicgirl chapter 34 . 1/19/2019
wow well done wonderful
Kikikitsune18 chapter 34 . 1/19/2019
Ah yeeeeessssss I’m so happy you updated this
Guest chapter 34 . 1/18/2019
Saw my email notification for this and got so excited!
Bleach power chapter 34 . 1/18/2019
I was so happy when I saw this chapter that I can't describe I guess Mahad will have a conversation with pharaoh soon.I didn't expect Bakura to 'll quicly make an enemy out of Seto at the rade he is going.
monsuno power chapter 34 . 1/18/2019
You are back! is great I missed this Mahad going to die again?Dont tell me that Bakuras teacher is Atems mom.I hope that you are doing fine in you to read you soon.
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