Reviews for Spin Cycle
Cullen Cousin chapter 16 . 7/30/2018
This story was awesome! I loved it!
ttandme69 chapter 16 . 9/12/2017
ROFLMFAO itty bitty weenie...OMG! Priceless- loved this storyline you created. Thanks for the hard work and effort- Lisa
sanutazwrites chapter 16 . 5/9/2017
I it.
Alicia Janae Alexander chapter 16 . 2/9/2017
I love it
gigi9598 chapter 7 . 2/12/2016
OMG I was hysterical reading this! Thankfully I am alone in the house or people would think I had gone raving mad! LOL this was fantastic!
elizabethmom05 chapter 5 . 1/16/2016
wow! for Bella to react the way she did...ugh! it's lie she's making this about her, when Edward didn't even know Tanya was pregnant. she could have been a little mofe supportive and less dramatic. I do like this story though.
ChristyWIX chapter 16 . 9/29/2015
This was absolutely hilarious to read! I have tears from laughing. Thank you for the extra outtake. Wonderful chapter. Loved when Esme popped in and was getting pissed that Edward may be cheating on Bella and his losing the erection in the mold. Really loved that Bella and he did the do-over together. Big fun times there. Then, I really loved Bella at the end there . . . so effing funny. Thank you for the laughter over the last two days. I've had fun here. Thanks for sharing your imagination. ~Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 15 . 9/29/2015
Well poop, you made me cry with that one. Good tears, but still. My goodness what a beautiful chapter. I really loved it all. Brandon coming to ask his permission in the flashback. Masen giving his dad crap about being moody about the whole thing. Edward and Ali in her room when he came to get her for the walk down the aisle, seeing her in her wedding dress. That song that Brandon sang for them to dance to . . . holy waterworks Batman . . . good pull on that one. It was nice to know that Masen has Gianna and is happy. I liked him spending the night there, it was nice. Then you ended the chapter with them heading for that spin cycle again . . . very fun!
ChristyWIX chapter 14 . 9/29/2015
His baby all grown up and headed off to her first dance. His treatment of Brandon, which could've bee so very much worse. Brandon was actually a great kid. I liked his nervousness and his honest answers at the questions asked. Bella must've been equally interested in the sexual intentions question, as she merely gulped and sat down next to Edward. Very wonderful things said between Ali and her daddy. Masen still being stuck in his room, was kind of funny . . . poor forgotten child . . . hehehe. What a treat this chapter was!
ChristyWIX chapter 13 . 9/29/2015
It was rather odd and random that Tanya sent that note. Wonder why she felt the need to send that along? Strange. What a cute ending to a fun story. I love the addition of Masen. Bella's right, he's going to be quite popular when he is older. Ali was funny with her little attitude. I liked that Edward put her right in her place so quickly. Really cute family. Good to know they are still enjoying their spin cycle . . . hehehe.
ChristyWIX chapter 12 . 9/28/2015
That was super cute. What a good song he sang to her. I'd not heard of that one. It was sweet. Bella coming in to see them and listening to him singing it was wonderful. Cute chapter.
ChristyWIX chapter 11 . 9/28/2015
I definitely could've done without the entire James debacle. I digress. It was funny that Edward decided his daughter won't date until she's thirty-five. It is funny how all dad's think that about their daughters . . . until they hit those teen years and suddenly have to deal with those boys showing up on their doorstep. Very quick pregnancy. They just found out last chapter and this chapter, her water broke. Super fast.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 9/28/2015
This story was so fun and funny and BOOM! Unnecessary drama, just for drama's sake. I'm so bummed over this right now. I couldn't even be happy when he told her about them being pregnant, as it was overshadowed by him having just watched that video. Then too soon after, he received the text about James being at the station. Now, he gets a free pass to beat up the man that beat up his wife, in that jail cell. It doesn't fix what he did to Bella. Doesn't make Bella better. James won't even care that Edward is there to beat his ass. He's probably so stupid, he'll actually goad him on, saying that Bella wanted it. Or, that if he was satisfying her at home, he wouldn't have had to satisfy her. Some crap like that. All these idiots think the same way.
ChristyWIX chapter 9 . 9/28/2015
This chapter really, really, really needed a trigger warning. I didn't expect that and just. No. Wow. Did he actually rape her? Please say she wasn't raped in the next chapter. Why was there no trigger warning on this one? I would've skipped this chapter . . . grrrrrr!
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 9/28/2015
Oh wow . . . that was all kinds of fuckhot! *fanning self* The pulling her over, then the frisking . . . getting her all riled up and sending her on her way . . . yowza! For a minute there, I thought she wasn't going to let him have her at home. Having her squirt was beyond hot. Great scenes . . . both the outside one and the inside one. These two are hot together.
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