Reviews for Through Hell And Back
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 25 . 5/2/2019
Hey now. It's been finished for almost 5 years! How about rewrites!? You stated that you were young and inexperienced. How about now? I would like to read how you have matured with this fic. I really do. It's great! Thanks for the long year put into it though. I will always appreciate that! Thank you.
MissTinfoilHat chapter 3 . 3/19/2019
Haaaaaa, the number "two-one" totally slipped my mind. I love this.
Eli Clark chapter 5 . 9/22/2017
You're moving too fast with the story, not to mention that Winry has no right to force Ed to show his automail. He doesn't need the maintenence, he can still function through the rain. But there is such a thing as patient confidentiality. Since she's his automail mechanic, that applies since she basically works as a doctor. He has a right to not allow people to know about it.
CaitiAthena chapter 8 . 6/25/2017
*jaw falls to the floor* Well damn... even with his dad he's still a bad ass.
Guest chapter 25 . 12/22/2016
i read it all:) and it was an interesting story:]

...but i would like to give a bit of constructive criticism, rather it be a book, a TV, a game or whatever, theres two important things to focus on: Characters and Story.
you seem to find the Story more my opinion, Characters should always ALWAYS come first. even if it makes the story less dramatic, you should never break character.

and no, i don't meen 'break character' as in 'because its an AU', im totally fine with AUs, i like seeing how people write the FMA characters in new ways,

what i meen is..because your version of the characters have odd mood swings.

for example: You made Roy so sweet and caring when it came to Ed...but then Roy said Ed was a 'metal freak' in an early chapter, you wrote those words to move the story along, because you needed Ed to think 'Roy doesn't like me' and also so Ed would quit his job...

and example 2: when Roy said "your a selfish brat! stop (i forget what word he used, manipulating?) my life!" you wrote that because you needed a way for Roy to be gone, and for Roy to feel guilty later...

but both those things may have helped the Story...but it cast a bad light on Roy as a Character. Roy loved Ed so much one minutes, yet he would say that the next minute? i wouldn't consider that true love. and it made me kind of...not..want them to be together:/ Roy said he was going to protect Ed, so why say that?
it helped the Story..but it didn't help the Characters..

in example 1, i would have made Ed quit...maybe because he was unable to work from his injurys bothering him, so he thought he was a burden..or maybe because Ed was afraid to leave Al home alone. sure the Story may have been not as dramatic at that time...but at least Roy wouldn't have called Ed a 'metal freak', it was a big break in the sweet character you made Roy.

and in example 2: i would have made Roy simply pick himself, his own happiness, (by seening his friend and going to the party) over Eds happiness. it world have still resulted it the same outcome, Ed home alone (because he was under age, he could'nt go to a drinking party) and Roy would have still been gone. but later, instead of Roy feeling bad about saying 'selfish bret' he world feel bad about putting himself, and his own joy over Eds...again, its a bit less dramatic, but Roy would feel bad about being selfish (we all get selfish sometimes, we can't help it) and not calling his boyfriend horrible names (people don't do that...if someone actually did that to me..i would dump them)

don't get me wrong! i enjoyed your story, but i think you should remember to stick with your characters emotions and personalitys a bit better.

loving Ed so much, and willing to die for him...then calling him names and making fun of his appearance...its rude.. and its a big break in the nice character you made Roy.

Characters first. Story second.

SukoreanWarlord chapter 25 . 12/25/2014
Awwww! That's so sweet! Bubbly emotions! Kittens!
YUUGOU JANE YUUGO DA chapter 14 . 9/13/2014
I am loving this so far.
Genesis chapter 25 . 8/19/2014
That's it?! I want more chapters! More about their happily ever after or just some simple peace would do...
Anyway, HAPPY to see Ed is permently safe.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Just a question. You didn't mention it in the description so I was wondering if this was a RoyEd parental or a RoyEd couple.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
I for one have read the reviews for this story, and I've read the story like a dozen times. I've been following this story forever, and I love it. It's amazing, and I know you tried your hardest. You started and ended this story a while ago, and your writing style and taste and everything has changed since then, and you've improved so much, and I'm proud of you.

Don't listen to Lyson or Gamermouth of whatever the fuck their names are. They should both know that if you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say something at all. I -and many others- love this story, and those two little bitch shits aren't going to ruin it for me or any other readers. Their negative asses are just plain dumb as fuck. So FUCK YOU TWO. This story isn't "unrealistic in terms of abuse" or whatever the fuck you're spewing over there, Lyson. And hey, GamerMouth, it's called AU FOR A FUCKIN' REASON. I mean, have you read the other reviews? Everyone loves this, so far it's gotten 104 favs, so Lyson can shut their damn mouth. UNREALISTIC MY ASS, Lyson. I will fight you on this. First of all, if you don't like the story or find it unrealistic, don't fucking read it and don't comment on it either, that's just fucking rude. I have a friend who's home life is EXACTLY like this, so you shut up with your "unrealistic" comments.

Sorry for ranting like that, rude people just piss me off. And while they weren't necessarily trying to be rude, they should know that unless their praising the writer and showering them with praise and glory, to keep their damn mouths shut. I mean, there's one thing to give CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK which is appreciated and then there's just being damn RUDE. I'm sure there are others who agree with me. I apologize for my rant. Have a lovely day!
Lyson chapter 5 . 7/14/2014
This story is extremely unrealistic in terms of the abuse factor. And seeing how that is the central aspect of your story, its poorly portrayed.

GamerMouth chapter 1 . 7/9/2014
I cant imagine Hohenheim being abusive nor Ed or Al taking that crap, its a good story I just cant read it im sorry.
Lexi chapter 25 . 6/27/2014
;-; fucking amazing
Artica chapter 25 . 6/26/2014
Awww! I I love this ending. I'm sooo glad Roy got to Ed and they still love each other very much. I actually had tears in my eyes for (most) of this story.
Taila-Tai chapter 25 . 6/23/2014
...I wish I had been here when you were writing this! I love it so much! You should do more AU like this, you're really good! ED FINALLY REALIZED HE WAS LOVED! YAY
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