Reviews for The Raven's Blade IV: The Heart of Journey
Sona14 chapter 9 . 3/21/2019
you know what the problem is? I really like the easterling characters you write and I want them to become good guys... my heart bleeds *cries*
MiladyTairiell chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
I’ll have you know I read all of this saga in less than 5 days. I adore your portrayal of all the characters and feel you’ve done a good job keeping them to the essence of who they are. I especially loved how you made the enemies relatable as well, instead of just plain evil. I could see their humanity and it made them into people instead of just the run-of-the-mill evil guys. Well done, and these have become some of my favorites.
DreamingOfPeace chapter 43 . 3/29/2017
Wow. You are an insanely good author and if you ever publish anything please let me know?

I seriously enjoyed your amazing stories, and the details you put into them! I have no words, but thank you for putting so much effort into them!
Ava chapter 43 . 3/10/2017
end of the end... wow! You are amazing, I read all your stories (besides the fact that I started ADL 4 years ago... I never finished, then forgot,) in 1 1/2 weeks... I am so happy I read these. thank you so much. I cant believe how FAST you wrote them either... and your writing just got better and better. I hope you write more!
Ava chapter 39 . 3/9/2017
chp 39 I really hope (though the story is already done) that Boromir does not turn evil...
Ava chapter 35 . 3/9/2017
chp 35.. DONT TRUST SHAKURAN BOROMIR! he is lying cmon! ( you did a really good job making it believable! I had to remember first that that was his job to deceive him...)
Ava chapter 28 . 3/9/2017
chp 28... I am glad Denethor is good... I hope he stays that way, but you BETTER NOT make Faramir bad!
Ava chapter 22 . 3/8/2017
chp 22... is Elrohir giving his immortality! woah! and theoden is dead, and theodred is alive... woah woah woah. this is EPIC wow!
Ava chapter 10 . 3/8/2017
chp10 AND I THOUGHT IT WAS DWALIN THAT DIED ( I know he doesn't die till about 350 right? but I thought maybe you just changed things...)BUT NOOOOO IT HAD TO BE thorin! ...
I suppose though, that would help with the whole retaking of Moria thing that happened in ADL...soo... I forgive you but :'( :'( :'(
eugh, I'm going to continue on
oh, I cant WAIT until (at least I hope this will happen) Kili/Boromir finally remember EVERYTHING from EVERY time line... will that happen... I hope so, I guess I will find out, okay, well continue on hehehe...*scoots away***
Ava chapter 9 . 3/8/2017
chp 9... I'm sorry but was the DWALIN that was just killed? I don't know if I read it wrong... hmm, I'm going to reread this chapter to make sure...
Ava chapter 3 . 3/8/2017
chp 3... no merry and pippin? this is going to be so weird, the whole fellowship is different... maybe you will have fixed this idk, but it will be interesting; I have faith in your skills! a master of your art. ;) good luck in all your future endeavors!
Guest chapter 43 . 1/10/2016
A truly beautiful story - I am sad to see it ended.
WhistlingWolf chapter 43 . 12/8/2015
I left a quite heated comment today, (which I still feel was justified xD).

But, just know, your writing is amazing, awesome, and a hundred other words you can use as synonyms. Just. Damn. It was like reading the books and watching the movies, but different. Better even, as I didn't like the end of the last movie, and I am not quite a fan of Tauriels.. (my opinion, if you like her is totally fine by me ;) no harm intended!).

The stories in the story,, the tales you spun.. And every little thread built into the storyline was meant to be there, nothing left unanswered, nothing unfinished.

It was marvelous, and one of the best stories I have ever read. Thank you for writing!
I will be keeping tabs on you (oooh freaky xD) so that when you and the ScribeofRed make other adjustments to any of the other stories, I can jump on them and read them again.

Really, Thank you!
WhistlingWolf chapter 13 . 12/7/2015

I am almost crying. WHY WHY WHYYYYYY. We finally had them back safe and sound.. I can understand Thorin, really, he was getting old but died fighting valiantly.

But then.. YOU MURDERED HIMMMM! WHYYYY! Just. Argh -.- and then also in a quite rude manner, from the easterlings.. felled by a spear in the back, an unhonourable death..
I am gonna read on, with tears in my eyes.. Poor poor thing..

Okay. enough ranting. Just know, I am in love with your Raven's Blade series. They are just exceptionally awesome! Thank you..
fanfic-addict21 chapter 4 . 4/14/2015
I have been looking forward to this moment from the first discussion of smithing between Aelin and Kili in Rivendell (in the first story, I think?) You did not go so far as to explicitly say that they would be the ones to reforge Narsil unto Anduril, but I KNEW it could only be them at that moment. This was masterfully done and dramatic and all that I hoped for from this scene. Thank you. :)
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