Reviews for The Content and The Cover
Brokenwings35 chapter 3 . 5/17/2018
Great chapter.
Ellandra7 chapter 11 . 3/14/2017
I hope you will return to this story. The flow and character development is quite captivating.
Anna Biju chapter 11 . 1/26/2017
I love this story! Update soon :)
Anna Biju chapter 9 . 1/26/2017
It seems Mary is infatuated with Mr Ashcroft, but I'm convinced that Hawkins is the one for her. And I loved the comparison of Mary and the Beast by Hawkins!
Anna Biju chapter 6 . 1/26/2017
I like this story! At first I thought that the valet would be the love interest of Mary. But now I feel its Mr. Hawkins, and I feel that they are a good match, but I resent the fact the Mr. Hawkins is really old.
I really liked the friendship between Miss Bingley and Mary. Most people potray her as a shallow woman, but I like that you have given her some character depth. It seems like the valet will be her love interest.
Anna chapter 11 . 7/26/2016
Are you going to update soon i do hate to see a good story not finish?
Kcm7 chapter 11 . 5/23/2016
Hope you continue soon
Atka-Jane chapter 11 . 2/20/2016
There's no continuation to this, is there?
Atka-Jane chapter 9 . 2/18/2016
Nooooooo I like this buildup but I'm already so attached to 43 year old bearded-yet-once-shaved-will-reveal-his-true-age-and-chiseled-face Mr Hawkins!
Atka-Jane chapter 8 . 2/18/2016
I love this chapter so very much! Mr Hawkins is such a dream guy and his beard gives off that mystery feeling eventhough he's everything extrovert and nothing standoffish! I don't have to repeat what I said about Caroline/Mary's budding friendship because it's just wonderful to read. I really dig this fic!
Atka-Jane chapter 7 . 2/18/2016
I like the improvement of Caroline's character because she was not at all snooty in this fic than in the actual novel. But I have to point out something though, I'm sorry if I keep seeming like I'm complaining all the time! But I promise it's for this fic. Mr Arthur is a valet and Caroline shouldn't be addressing him as sir. Even nobody addressed Mr Darcy and Bingley 'sirs' because it's the only title that can be worn by those that have been bestowed by the Queen.
Atka-Jane chapter 6 . 2/18/2016
Mr Hawkins sounds charming and I bet Mr Bennet misplaced his real age just like Kitty did with Mr Harwick. But this emphasizing of Mary's middle name is just not ideal imo. She was never once called or made known to have a middle name and called something else other than Mary and Miss Bennet and I know it's probably your own creativity that bore her the middle name, which I appreciate for it's very beautiful, but emphasizing too much of it will only rip Mary off her character. You will think of somebody else if you keep calling her Anna or Bella rather than Mary, a namesake which held her plain, pedantic and wallflower personality intact throughout the fandom :)
Atka-Jane chapter 5 . 2/18/2016
A rare theme I admit! That Caroline and Mary would find each other's company to be more than just agreeable. I've read stories about Mary and Georgiana becoming soulmate sisters, and Kitty and Mary becoming each other's confidants but NEVER Caroline Bingley. Nobody has ever given a proper thought to make Caroline likable and I praise you for going into the depths of her character. I look forward to this friendship
Shrilaraune chapter 2 . 5/17/2015
Hmmmm. This is an...interesting Mary. She seems a bit...empty headed? Being unable to remember the name of a person? Right after having read it? Perhaps this is to illustrate her indifference to men? I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Her desire to be loved/ have a lover coupled with her hope for a "man-less" future seem...somewhat contradictory. I might understand if her desires remained purely platonic-that is if she wished merely for affection or platonic love-but she very clearly also included a lover or husband in that wish. Perhaps she is just teasing Mrs. Hill? Hmmmm, indeed. I'll withhold judgement for now as this is just the beginning.
Kazza chapter 2 . 3/8/2015
I've just started reading your story and I'm enjoying it so much that I had to comment immediately. Wonderful!
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