Reviews for Global Warming
CamaroLady chapter 25 . 11/24/2019
Fingers crossed that everything eventually looks up for you. You are by far one of my most favorite writers on here. :3
North of the North chapter 25 . 4/17/2019
Oh no! I hope you've gotten it back since this jappened!
North of the North chapter 23 . 4/13/2019
601ninerfever chapter 25 . 7/25/2018
Please please start writing again. I love this story so much and wish for it to be continued.
Jake M chapter 25 . 10/15/2017
Dear author,

After a day of consistent reading, I am in love with your story and how you portray all of these characters both unique and familiar at the same time. My hat goes off to you.

Reading your announcement on Chap. 25, I hope things have come to look up for you. It is unfair what happened to you, but keep your head up!

I can't wait until the next chapters.

Best wishes!
Appleasaurusrex chapter 25 . 6/17/2017
I'm so sorry about your computer and I can't believe people do such stupid stuff also I can't wait for the story to be continued
Singlemom101 chapter 25 . 3/26/2017
I love this story and all the details
Please continue after you get your laptop back
I hope you get it back without to much damage to it
RainStorm2122 chapter 25 . 11/25/2016
Yeah I died after chapter 18. Holy shite, and as for the issue above I hope it's going well. I would love for this to continue!
kyos.minion chapter 25 . 11/25/2016
I really love this story so far. I look forward to reading the rest of it. Good luck with your new laptop!
RainStorm2122 chapter 16 . 11/25/2016
Before I continue and die of bloodloss from this massive nosebleed I can feel coming on I am just going to say that I am bowing down to your intricate plot, the use of pathos, the foreshadowing, the build, everything is awe-inspiring! I am star-struck by you. Thank you for this enrapturing read!
RainStorm2122 chapter 5 . 11/24/2016
You are amazing for the research and detail that you implement in the story. I am gobsmacked at the accuracy and vividness of this story. Thank you for such a great read so far, the detail is spectacular!
BlueBeanieFrog chapter 12 . 9/19/2016
That last line...oAo
I'm dying of cuteness!
Sneezysoul chapter 25 . 9/18/2016
Ah I hope God sends a thousand birds to shit on that guy

like not petty birds either

im talking huge birds

like maybe ostriches

many, many ostriches that poop all over him and his possessions at every waking moment. He tries to eat? hAVE SOME SHIT. He tries to sleep? hAVE SOME SHIT.

Literally though these kind of people should be slapped with a thousand uncooked chicken strips covered in feces. Theyre not nice. Not nice at all.

( i say this partly because I had a very, very similar experience to the one you stated. :l )

I wish you luck. All the luck. May the world be on your side.
Sirenfox chapter 9 . 7/26/2016
Sorry I'm too lazy to log in right now. I just wanted you to know this is a really good story and I'm enjoying it emencely, and I understand the whole, italicizing important words for emphasis, but I think you overused it way to much in this chapter. It's actually very distracting and has gotten to the point where I'm outright ignoring it and I'm tempted to skip it. This is a very good story and I just wanted to let you know.
Now onto the next chapter!
nameless-ice-goddess chapter 25 . 7/25/2016
May this (expletive) moron get arrested for the rest of his life! I feel your pain. Almost the exact thing happened to me when I sent my phone to be fixed. Don't worry, I will wait patiently.
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