Reviews for Burning Desire
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Ah gosh that was disgusting.
Keeper of Oz chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
I love it...I see your status says complete but this definitely has room to be more GREAT WORK LOVED IT
my time is now chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
While browsing through twitter, I stumbled upon your account and I read about you writing a john/oc story there, I have been waiting since then. I however wanted to apk you to make it a couple story instead of an oc since they are better, I think but this story was very nice. I am glad that you explored the other side of john, we all know he is a sex maniac and you portrayed that well. I really wish he has a stable relationship with nikki though. The sex was detailed and hot, the smuttier the better. The ending I guess, john is going to end it with nicole and get together with lana. Nice job. Hope to see a john/diva story from you next time, I can only hope haha.
205LiveGuy chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Awwww! Poor John boy. I hold you and your monkey ass face! Come here sexy!

... Ignore that. My male ovaries went into gear.

I don't like Lana. I pretended it was Eve the whole time. That made it better. Well, kind of.

Randy is such a good friend! He might as well have gone down on John while he was at it. He obvs wants the D.

Randy is sexy AF btw. That body... That beard... I want to fuck him.

Again, ignore that. Male ovaries.

Anyway. Flashback, blah.

Smutty time. Aw, he wants to look at her during penetration! How sweet!

Awkward talk.

More awkward talk.

You really hate Liz & Nikki, don't you?

Ahhhh! Eve! You deserve better! Come here baby! I'll hold you! Get naked & I'll hold you!

That was the testostorone (fuck spelling).

Yay! They lived happily ever after! Poor Nikki though... Eh. She'll get over it. Can take those implants I'm assuming John made you get out now so yay!

Good Job Jay. Keep it up.
JadeRose1 chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
was sweet in an odd way...was good.
IKindaDigCrazyGuys chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
I don't usually read Cena/OCs but this was so good. Beautiful, even. Amazing job! :)