Reviews for After the Storm
Guest chapter 17 . 1/9/2018
Well this was just one big disappointment ugh
Guest chapter 12 . 1/9/2018
This doesn't really have much focus on greg and mrs H like it made it seem seems all focused on john and now the case no focus on greg struggling or mrs h struggling either very disappointing fanfic sounded great before i clicked on it should of known it will end up with john getting most of the focus out of those 3 he always does its become so predictable now.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/9/2018
Ok im out sherlock didn't take the fall FOR JOHN ONLY and you pretty much saying he wouldnt do it if john hadn't been a target too just ruined this whole fanfic so bye.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/9/2018
I feel bad for sherlock after all he did to save their worthless lifes this is how they repay him, should of just let them get shot they are clearly ungrateful.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/9/2018
Is this gonna be romantic between john and sherlock if so im done.
amo273 chapter 17 . 5/21/2017
Thank you for dedicating the time it took to write this story, through regular life, family and illness. The crime itself made a captivating arc, but the addition of the return and how Sherlock had to negotiate relationships after being dead so long turned this into a must read. You brought a balance to all the characters, keeping them familiar but more mature. Sorry for reviewing only at the end, but who wants to take time from reading when the next chapter awaits!
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 17 . 7/19/2016
AHHHHHHHHH I don't know what to say except that I love it AHHHHHHHHHHH :)))) FIY these internal screams are due to this joy and lightness and glee and warmth I'm feeling in my heart, and I can't stop grinning at this beautiful ending! And thank you for all the thought and research you've put into this, it's so different from the usual fics because... because it's so Sherlock. All the detailed deductions, the case itself, they're so complete and smart, with like no loopholes, and they make so much sense! I wouldn't see any difference between this and the cases in the series if your plot goes on screen. Paired with the brilliant interpretation of the psychological and emotional part of Sherlock, this story is just amazing. I think the overall intelligence of the story and the plot is truly what leaves me impressed and in awe :) Your excellent English and style of writing are really appealing and I admire your ability to convey your plot in such a fluent, captivating manner. I love this so much! xD Do keep up the terrific work! c:
QueenNaberrie chapter 17 . 1/13/2015
Well thought out and well written story. I'm so happy Sherlock & John were able to save Ellie. I kept wondering if Gleeson, the librarian, was the killer. But the whole reason why he felt justified to kill those people eluded me. He was a nutter, bottom line, obviously. But his true motivations were a mystery.

And then I loved John's talk with Sherlock at the end. He made a very convincing case to Sherlock that caring and having friends IS an advantage. And Sherlock truly took it to heart.

I'm going to check your page to see if you have written a sequel to this with Sherlock taking Ellie under his wing, so to speak. If you haven't written one, it would make a very interesting story. :)

Bravo! Well done!
Cumberwitch chapter 17 . 9/26/2014
I have loved your two stories. This and its prequel. I've spent most of today reading them both. It has been a marathon but well worth it. Thank you so much.
feathersw chapter 17 . 5/6/2014
Very good story. I really enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing it.
Benfan chapter 17 . 4/23/2014
Isn't it just a shame that I'm apparently the last one to comment on this story?!
This is really a masterpiece in many ways:
The case you've come up with is incredibly complex and brilliant! I remember that you were struggling with it at the beginning, but it turned out so well - as if you didn't do anything else but writing crime stories.
Your writing in general (I might repeat myself, but I can't say it often enough) is marvellous! I don't know how you manage to bring things to life in you reader's imagination (and you know very well that you help me a lot with it in my own stories! Why, do you think, do I have the descriptions of rooms and locations in such a detail? It's just because I have your advice in the back of my mind when I write!). Needless to say that I admire your range of words! Of course, for me as a non-native speaker of English, striving for such a vocabulary would just be in vain, however, I am fairly sure that even those who grew up with English aren't naturally be able to put the words together in the way you do!
Why don't you write a novel with your own characters? You mentioned to me once that you might have difficulties coming up with the characteristics of your protagonists, but I think that you have proven that you definitely can do it with this story! Although your protagonists are borrowed, the other characters have a face and a personality, if you know what I mean. Give it a try - and sign a copy of your book for me before you don't have time to do it anymore because you're famous all at once! :-)

I have no words for how grateful I am for making your acquaintance here on FanFiction, for becoming friends with you and for spending the most wonderful time with you and your dear ones in London! It still feels as if it was all a dream! I'm just so happy that more than a year ago, you encouraged me to take up writing and offered me to beta-read my story (I had no idea of all that by then), that you listened to my pestering about a sequel to Lighting Fires, that I have a story that is dedicated to me! I will definitely print it out and have it signed by you! :-)
Thank you for everything; most of all for being my dear friend! XX

(I know I won't be able to change anything after posting the review, although I'm fairly sure there are a thousand things more that suddenly spring to my mind when I will just have posted it. Thus, I apologize for everything that I have missed saying.)

Oh, my most favourite line in this last chapter (apart form the A/N and the entire rest of the whole story): "About you being a bloody idiot and whether you're aware of the fact!"

You're the greatest - really!
MapleleafCameo chapter 17 . 3/25/2014
This was a beautiful chapter! I loved this - loved John telling him - and how you showed all the changes wright upon both men - excellent story!
SeaStarr chapter 17 . 3/15/2014
Thanks for another great story!
johnsarmylady chapter 17 . 3/13/2014
Excellent ending! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story :)

and thanks for the shout out :)
Fantasia chapter 17 . 3/12/2014
The final sad. I feel bad for Sherlock, even now. That little piece of the homeless network, it really shows how thing have changed and how lonely he felt. Still mad with Lestrade, hopefully, they can work together again. Thank you and I hope that you write another wonferful Sherlock story..
I'm sure that I have a login password, I have been reading in this side forever, but I don't remember and I'm lazy and reviewing only because love your story.
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