Reviews for Reflections of My Love
Mehloveshorror chapter 2 . 5/30/2016
i love it and i died
Lovino Romano Vargas-Carriedo chapter 2 . 6/22/2013
((So sad yet so sweet..! :'O Great job! I loved it!))
0- Jougen-Knight -0 chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
I have no idea why, but this fic reminds me of a manga called "Le Portrait de Petite Cosette", except it's reversed (in the manga, Cosette is from the mirror, and she tries to get the protagonist Eiri, through the mirror with her to the other world).

The concept is interesting , but rather confusing since it's left open for interpretation to me - was Lovino really there? Or was this all ultimately in Antonio's head, and he hasn't realized it yet? I know that it's mentioned that the doctors were surprised with finding Lovino with Antonio, but I feel that maybe this whole scene could possibly just be in Antonio's head and he wants to leave - that everything that happened was some sort of thing that wasn't true.

There are a few hiccups, and I wonder why there's a space between quotation marks, however the desperation with Antonio is very evident, and the flow was rather nice - faster in necessary parts, slower and more well-played in others.

Very short, but it was nice, overall. Good work. :)

Writerandstudent chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
Ahh, why ya got to end it like that...Can't you write more, like Antoino looking into diffrent mirrors that send diffret Lovinos (2p, angel, devil, country, excetra) Until he gets fed up and goes into one mirror that takes him to one of the livinos and either stays with them and they have a threesome with 2 antonio's or This Antonio steals that Lovino and keeps him or This Antonio gose from mirror dimention to mirror dimention and kidnapps all the Lovino's he can ranging resulting into a dimention wide man hut as Antonio's from all walks of life gose after him and their lovis only for the Lovi's to ask for this Antonio to be spared because they feel sorry for him. The Lovis and Antonios go hom leaving this Antonio in lonelness or Conquestador/Pirate/devil/2p/country/whichever Antonio takes pity on this Antonio and kills him so he can be with his Lovi.
"Cause a life without Lovi is a life not worth living."-Antonio (IDK, It poped in my head pretty sure it's from Hercules)
Book Thief101 chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
Good grief . . . My brain exploded from the epicness!

Wonderful, amazing, pure genius, and awesome all rolled in one . . . Like a taco, or a burrito!

The song also blew my mind . . .:3

If it's not to much to ask, but what happened to other universe/mirror Antonio? How did he react when his Lovi disappeared for ao many months?

Thanks for the story.:)

Book Thief101
HandMTomatoes chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
I really do love this story! SpaMano angst is honestly one of my favourite type of fics, but only when it's Lovino who's died and Antonio who's angsting... Well, you know what they say: the more you love a character, the more you love seeing them in pain. That makes us all sick bastards, doesn't it ;P This isn't the final chapter, is it?

LilDeadKitty chapter 2 . 5/25/2013
I'm gonna go cry now
Toni :(
Mona Lisa's Balled chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I'm confused but happy please continue.
Book Thief101 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
*sets up lawn chair*

I'll be here when you return.:D

Book Thief101
Elaina Newport chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Aww so sweet and so sad! Get better Antonio!