Reviews for What You're Owed
He will knock four times chapter 25 . 11/28/2015
Omg! I've been crying buckets at this story and I haven't stopped reading since 5 pm when I started.
Guest chapter 25 . 2/9/2015
Just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The last chapter rounded out a perfect roller coaster of emotion and the characterizations were deep and fulfilling, absolutely true to life. Bravo
Kitty chapter 25 . 12/31/2014
That entire story made me cry. Good job
BeyondMyReach chapter 25 . 6/9/2014
lovely, wonderful and heartbreaking as well as realistic. Love.
Guest chapter 25 . 2/5/2014
so an epic tale. I feel you really encompassed the characters.
Ostensibly Lucidina chapter 25 . 12/17/2013
Your story made me sob, giggle, and sigh, (but mostly sob! My feels! They've been brutally murdered in the lengthiest, most torturous ways imaginable!) and I can't believe this is the end! I thoroughly enjoyed this to its fullest, and dearly hope you never stop writing!

librarywitch chapter 25 . 12/2/2013
Wow! This is a heart wrentching tale of our Baker Street Boys post fall. Faint of heart should be beware. A whole box of tissues will be needed. Well done!
Shado chapter 25 . 9/23/2013
I just want you to know that you are an amazing writer, and that I have read quite a bit of great fan fiction. But never have I been so moved to tears, as I have been by your work. It is brilliant and beautiful.
sevenpercent chapter 21 . 9/21/2013
This chapter puts the whole story into my favourites list- simply because you have John's voice, his reaction down so very, very well, and better than most of the punch/kiss simplistic stuff in the fandom. Yes...that massive intellect always misses something, doesn't it.
sevenpercent chapter 18 . 9/21/2013
ouch- through the tears, I have to read that "End of new messages. Press P to play old messages." Masterfully done!
sevenpercent chapter 16 . 9/21/2013
It will be interesting whether the Series Three episode will make it clear whether Sherlock truly was oblivious to the impact his death would have on John. ACD Canon does make Sherlock the sociopath; Moffat and Gatiss, however, have yet to make that clear. I think I like your version- that Sherlock would know, and feel uncomfortable about it. This chapter captures that "pre-guilt" very well.
sevenpercent chapter 14 . 9/21/2013
Yes- this one finally made me crack and have to review. It is "the point" of John forcing himself to listen to it all, because he wants to know the answer to that question- "why wasn't I good enough?"
knifetoagunfight chapter 20 . 9/9/2013
I ...I think... I don't I can't... Yeah. I needed a good cry. That's...thank you. I think you'd be an amazing writer an actual, legit one. Just...keep doing what you're doing. It really was an amazing story and...yeah do what you do and be happy.
eternallysherlocked chapter 25 . 9/5/2013
Oh god, this story had me in tears from beginning to end. I cant even begin to explain why this is one of my all time favorite Sherlock fics. It's just so perfect, I am blown away. Thank you so much for writing this. The way you invoke all that emotion, angst and romance all at once is overwhelming but overall extremely impressive.

I always sob horribly when I read the epilogues. -sigh- I like to torture myself sometimes, lol. I live.
Sage chapter 25 . 9/3/2013
Oh...oh my god.
I don't...I don't even know what to fucking day to this fanfiction. I have been reading it obsessively for two days, holding in sobs during class when I was supposed to be paying attention, trying to hide the looks of anguish on my face as I read of John's pain, of Sherlocks suffering.
This...this is the single most beautiful piece of literature I have ever read. And I mean that. This is more beautiful than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or even Edgar Allen Poe. This is just...I still don't even know how to respond to this. How eloquent it is, how sometimes when I was reading it my eyes would scan across a phrase and all I could think was, "Damn." Reading this story, I have realized that words...words have never truly meant anything to me before reading this. How never before a single phrase, one sentence, even one word, could pull such emotion and heartache from me.
This was bloody brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant. And I don't think even the great Sherlock Holmes himself could ever write something comparable to this. How smooth you transitioned John's thoughts to the messages, how just...I wish I could put in to words how you probably could just how mind blowing this story was.
I wish I could meet you in person. Could hug you or shake your hand or something of the sort just to say /thank you/ for making this world a better place with this. I'm copying this down into my notes, just so you know; not to reproduce it, but so I can read it over and over, and never lose it. This story is incredible. I don't know if I mentioned it already, but I also love how tastefully you incorporate cuss words too. Most fictions that cuss seem so...illiterate. Immature. This fiction? You did it so well that I think without all those beautiful concentrations of profanity this story would lose some of its spark that makes it so unique.
I honestly don't know what to say. There is so much left to say, but how to say it is the question. I love this. I love this. And I hope you write for the rest of your life and get published because of anyone deserves to get famous for writing its you. Just thank you. Thank you.
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