Reviews for Rick Castle's Guide to Marrying Kate Beckett
Anna chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
Very funny and Very cute... Love the plot too. You should do more :)
firerosedreamer67 chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
A match made in heaven! So right there is no wrong on the river of love that they tread upon...and forever looks pretty darn good too!
curiositycollection chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
"Kate Beckett," you say. "Will you drink my coffee every day for the rest of your life?"
"That's the most pathetic proposal I have ever heard."
- LOL! This is WONDERFUL dialogue.

Great work with Castle's POV!
A wonderfully written and highly entertaining version of how it COULD go for Castle & Beckett. :)
letmetellyouaboutmyfeels chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
This. Was. Amazing! Just what I needed after the heart-wrenching finale. Thank you thank you thank you for writing this!
GT500RonSmith chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
What the heck are they doing in DC? But, she finally said 'yes'!
ColieMacKenzie chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
I hope you realize that what you did here is absolute genius! Really, just amazing! It's unique and so well done and it stays so very true to BOTH these characters! You have managed to get completely into his head, keep him both real and lovable, while staying absolutely fair to her character as well (without bashing her, for lack of a better term) even when he was angry. I love that you look at this route where Rick not only proclaims his commitment with the ring but shows his willingness to put in the day-to-day work, *shows* that he wants to do this, with her. There are so many things I could pull and quote because the phrases were so spot on - the juxtaposition of his emotions at the beginning, for example, how he's angry but even more so, he's afraid; how she says 'hell no' and he *knows* she wants him anyway; the proposal with the coffee and her sweet reaction to it, this slow unfolding of the actual commitment over time... But this here, was probably my favorite line:
"I promise to never stop trying to get it right," you say. You realize that is important to you..." - Because I love that he has learned that, that victory isn't having her and then leaning back with the status quo, it's trying and working on it... But also because I think in essence, this is what she needs the most, for someone to be willing to not give up on her, to not run away, to keep trying.
Really, this is phenomenal.
AliasCSINYFriendsER chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Absolutely fresking beautiful! I freaking love it!


chezchuckles chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
But then the poetic side of you comes out, prattling on and on about how life with Beckett is a series of victories, about how every day and week and month and year there is some other kind of victory you can celebrate, and so your final step on this particular journey is rather fitting.
You are insidious about this particular victory, you will admit.
-I love this. I love that you allow him this chance to kinda wander in his thoughts and wax poetic and just be all kinda sweet and lovey over her. I don't know, it really hits me.

And I really love that he says he promises to never stop trying. Because I think that is essentially Castle. Always trying.

You let yourself feel this moment, unanchored from steps and time and series of logical consequences, unanchored in anything but the slow and steady beat of your pulse through your veins and the play of the sunlight over her face.
-this is gorgeous. seriously gorgeous. what a beautiful moment.

Sigh. You made me adore second person.
Taly-chan chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
"Will you drink my coffee every day for the rest of your life?"
Pathetic? No, nope. That's the most simple, perfect... I think I'd marry that guy.
"I promise to never stop trying to get it right," I'd definitely marry that guy.
Lovely. We can only hope it goes this smoothly. I think there'll be a huge blown up given the awful timing (I remember screaming something along those lines to my TV)
KateMB chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
This is genius. Very unique fanfic, and I really enjoyed it.
cagirl1 chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Very creative story. Love the steps; each one so seemingly true to these two characters. Your writing is eloquent & descriptive. It displays talent with the written word.
Austcastlefan chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Oh Castle, whipped already and they've only been engaged what, an hour? I guess he's really been whipped from the very first day they met. Awesome! I loved it! :)
1822andallthat chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Only YOU could mesh SAD and HILARIOUS and end up with something THIS brilliant!

Perfect. :)
indigobee chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
This is why the internet exists. For when we have been wounded by those we love and wandering the house aimlessly in unwashed clothes and oily hair. Lost. Tormented. Robbed of the proposal we had imagined would happen in time to come, where both proponents didn't appear to be suffering in pits of misery. The internet exists to spread the good word of Cartographical. The oh-so-good biting words that shine the proverbial light on that sham of a proposal and tell those who have wronged us, "Oi, ya trucked up you fools". And they will be mocked. And we shall rise up from underneath our oily hair and we shall laugh. Oh we shall laugh, for the good word from the Book of Cartographical shall be some funny shit and we shall all nod together knowingly in her wisdom that they had indeed trucked up mightily.

And when are done laughing and sharing knowing glances and returning our hair to its rightful ratio of oil-to-dry balance we will have achieved some semblance of healing. The good word of Carto (for this is what we have heard her called throughout the land) will have steeled us in these troubled times of hiatus. And we shall once again find within us all the strength in September to face those that did wrong us. Turn our cheek to our good brother Andrew and put within his hands our much-abused "feels" and ask for more of the same.

We praise you Carto (I am pretty sure that the land was calling her that) for your funny shit about Patterson's champagne and sketching of a delusional Castle. For you have saved us and returned to us the will to use shampoo again.

Sandiane Carter sent me. Blame her.

Awesome story, love the tone. The proposal with the coffee mugs and these lines,

"This is a much better look than the first time you asked her to marry you. Less confusion and disbelief, more affectionate despair."

will probably be doing laps around my brain as I fall asleep tonight. Take from that what you will.
aussiecate chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
That was brilliant, cute, hilarious and just a little disturbing catching a glimpse inside Rick Castle mind!
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