Reviews for All The King's Men
Zalia chapter 35 . 4/6
Screw everyone else; if they want to get offended by gay rights etc, they can just go elsewhere and stew in their own stupidity. I hope that in the years since you wrote this fic you have distanced yourself from crazy parts of your family and lived how you wanted.
JIFF chapter 58 . 9/23/2014
I fucking love this fix. Found it on AO3, realized you had more of the story written here, read the rest of it in one night, cried when I saw how long it's been since your last update. PLEASE UPDATE SOON.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/17/2014
Dude, our God doesn't have anything against homosexuals. One of the prophets just did.
draguntearz chapter 32 . 5/31/2014
the way you had dean describe yin and yang...i totally lost it! that was adorafrikinble!
hunter-in-a-trenchcoat chapter 1 . 3/2/2014
you are definatly my favorite author! Youre so awesome at writing and you really know hpw tp write, you know what i mean? so i just thought to tell you that...
hunter-in-a-trenchcoat chapter 58 . 3/2/2014
OH MAH LOUUURRDDD youre so awesome, this story is soooo good! How much farther are you going to take this story? because its really awesome and i hope it doesnt end soon! Muahh!
Cicioffkkfofffff chapter 57 . 1/14/2014
Please update it's been over two months...
Destiel101 chapter 58 . 1/15/2014
The car thing, oh my god!
unexpecteddreamz chapter 58 . 1/15/2014
Welcome back, I'm sure we are all excited to see where you take us next in this story :)
Ashley chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Please update! I love this story D:
missiontothestars chapter 57 . 11/9/2013
Eep! I just read your whole story in one night, and I absolutely love it! The destiel in it is so perfect that I just can't! And Charlie! Oh my god! Gay bar in Kansas and not returning home for the night :D and I love your author's notes too, they crack me up!
LifeAnomaly chapter 57 . 11/9/2013
This is one of the best Destiel stories I have ever read! Please continue.
"puppy-dog pout"
Solar Refrigerator chapter 14 . 11/2/2013
Okay, so I was re-reading this story while waiting for an update, and I thought I'd check out Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog, and now I regret it because I was NOT EXPECTING THAT ENDING AND NOW I AM CRYING! I loved it though and actually rewatched it 5 minutes after I finished the first time. Damn Felica Day has an amazing voice and now 'on the rise' or what ever it's called is my new favorite song. Thankyou so much for suggesting it. Also, keep up the great work on this story. I love how it's turning out, and I can't wait to see what happens with Cas's dreams.
Destiel101 chapter 57 . 11/1/2013
Haha. Anyways, hope you're feeling okay. I had a good night. I limped through it though. I was decorating and I hurt my ankle. But that didn't stop me from getting candy!
BC chapter 56 . 10/28/2013
woohoo more! How long is this story going to be in the end do you think? And ill be looking forward to the 'random sex scenes' :) xx
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