Reviews for Naruto: The Storm Ninja
zack chapter 4 . 7/24
pu together
Currahee506 chapter 4 . 4/28
This needs more then just 3 basically repeated chapters and a prologue
Dragonman110 chapter 4 . 10/27/2018
Please update when you've got the time.
Nightwing5123 chapter 4 . 8/20/2018
I like the way you have chosen the new Storm Rangers.
CCSakuraforever chapter 3 . 8/19/2018
Esta muy bueno el fics más como le ira a los tres amigos siendo rangers más como mantendrán esto en secreto más que pasara en la aldea
my 2 guys chapter 2 . 8/16/2018
that was good keep the chapters coming
Guest chapter 2 . 3/16/2018
Hey if your not getting anywhere with this story... why nto many another naruto ranger story of ninja steel

Naruto red (red is hte new orange)
Hinata white (or pink)
Tenten pink (or white)
choji yellow
Haku blue(boy verison)

LAst person is suppose to be gold but don't know who it could be so i leave that up to you, please read this and post something about it, i don't care if you deleted it in the next few days, just long enough for me to see and accept it if your going for it or not.
phantomkid02 chapter 2 . 6/20/2017
i like this chapter and hope you keep updating! Also i like this way of wirting...i could understand it more better...but that just me :D
jiongu-naruto chapter 2 . 6/15/2017
good chapter! please keep updating!
Guardian of Valhalla chapter 1 . 6/4/2016
the putty Patrols what roles did you refer to is from the original Mighty Morphin Power sorry if I misspelled that but like I said I was in the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers if I remember correctly I can't pronounce his name but he had different type of a Minions that he would use
BANKAIZEN chapter 1 . 3/14/2016
Potterformers chapter 8 . 10/31/2015
I hope no one has shot your muse for the rewrite of this story?
Guest chapter 8 . 8/22/2015
je veut la suite ranger tempête de konoha
CosmicBeing chapter 4 . 5/9/2015
You better not make them weaker than jack-off's like Hiashi you son of a bitch.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/7/2015
I think that naruto should be captured by one the generals in front of a lot of people (otherwise no one will believe it) cause he is related to them through DNA experiments of the first of his mothers family cause how else could the hold the 9 tailed fox when no on else can the still fight him the same just try to turn him to the side of evil (also the side of never gonna win also like naruto would ever turn evil)(also I can see him in ranger form going " no never no to one end of the universe and back no" when he is told and hitting the nearest bad guy with whatever near he could grab ( like maybe a can of open paint
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