Reviews for Burkes vs Alworths
Mar Jan 53 chapter 10 . 12/27/2018
Victoria really is a self righteous control freak poor Ender does not in anyway resemble her perception of a child’s needs if they really tried he Moz and Neal could drive her right around the bend.
Mar Jan 53 chapter 10 . 12/27/2018
Victoria is a bizzaro version of Rae Drummond who also home schools her children although more like E’ls version and a much better cook and colorist
JimChou chapter 11 . 5/12/2017
So much fun! It was like seing the show on TV. I love how you write the reactions and thoughts of everyone; in each chapter there are some unforgettable lines! And Neal is at his very best of course. So sad you didn't finish it... I felt like cheated when I read the last chapter; we need a conclusion! Please, is it too late?
BitterSweet256 chapter 11 . 3/27/2016
xD lmao i love this please continue!
power214063 chapter 11 . 6/30/2015
Please update about what happens with the other family
annabelthegreat chapter 11 . 5/22/2015
Oh man this is brilliant... any chance of an update... I really want to know what happens if Victoria finds out about neal
jenn008 chapter 11 . 2/2/2015
Update soon!
Guest chapter 3 . 1/3/2015
Interesting story... I hope you don't think that all homeschoolers are like that :)
Guest chapter 11 . 12/19/2014
Please update soon
Guest chapter 11 . 10/30/2014
Update please. This story is so good!
Guest chapter 11 . 6/13/2014
Love the story, please keep updating :)
TheQueenofErynLagasryn chapter 11 . 5/21/2014
Yay update!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/20/2014
okay. poor peter indeed :D
Love this story. please do update it faster :(
Poor neal :P Cant help but love the guy regardless of what he does. I do hope well see ender call him over, neal show up with both presuming 'adults never get into trouble' only to get into deep trouble with peter for whatever they accomplish- PLEASE?
More moz/neal/ender hang outs please! Basically more neal in any situation is welcome. Also if hes supposed to be pseudo son i wish youd emphasise that more- it sounds more like peters dealing with an unwanted relation of victorias than someone he actually views as family, esp as a son.
Would love to see el lay it into all of her family as a result for what they put victoria through...until she actually meets the horror that is victoria :P
caseylf123 chapter 11 . 5/20/2014
Was so excited to see you posted another chapter. I just love this story. Great job is usual. There's noting better than Neal and Ender annoying Peter AND Victoria!
BlueDiamondStar chapter 11 . 5/20/2014
Weehee! Aww Peter, slamming down phones, he should get vacation and soon, before something breaks from being slammed.

Just got my plot bunny suggesting Neal should get whumped on job so he could use Burke's couch as his residence and annoy the crap out of Satan Lady and plot something with Ender before he actually gets four-wheeler and runs her down XD

(just a silly plot idea, it's hot outside and I have boring work today lol)
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