Reviews for You'd Every Cause to Doubt Me
Briallen chapter 47 . 6/30
I’m a faithful lover of this story, and just came back to it again as I seem to do every year. I hope that we can get you to continue it if we ask enough, so please, please do!
musingmarauder chapter 47 . 6/26
I'm really loving this. I hope you find the time and inspiration to continue one day.
dreamchaser2322 chapter 47 . 6/14
Love your story! Hope you finish it someday. It’s my go to when I need a lift. Hope you’re doing well
Anon chapter 47 . 6/3
I know you mentioned at one point that you weren't sure what celebrities to base Darcy and Lizzie's looks off, I have taken to mentally picturing Hayley Atwell as Lizzie and Henry Cavill as Darcy. They're such a good fit for the way you describe them physically and personality wise.
Plus Henry Cavill as Darcy, ooof, it makes an already immensely enjoyable story even more enjoyable to picture.
Bethleigh chapter 1 . 4/13
I know you’re probably not thinking of updating this fiction, however I still want to take the time to tell you that your an amazing writer and this is an amazing piece of work! I always check to see if this has been updated and every time I sit and re-read it as it’s so amazing! I hope in the future you might update or write something else just as wonderful!
Guest chapter 47 . 4/10
I take back the comment about someone else finishing this story for you. I doubt anyone else could combine your skill with dialogue and wit, and sensual classy smut. It's a rare skill and you nail it.
And I'm pretty sure that lizzie is beside Seb because everyone is just passed out in one big people pile on the floor. Darcy is likely next to her with hand on breast!
Guest chapter 47 . 4/10
Heaven help me! What a fantastic story! I love the characters and the detail you have so masterfully woven them together with. But so many of my questions remain unanswered and I don't know if I'll be able to shake them. Was Lizzy kissing everyone that night! Was will convinced to get musical with Gorgie at carnival? Does Sebastian end up as Adam in the coco shoot or does will take a pay cut? Does Seb date Gorgie, surely sparks fly there much to wills chargrin! The gala boy oh boy how will Will contain his possessiveness and will elisabeth resent feeling like she's getting a free ride off his fame if their relationship becomes known. Man I love all the nitty gritty potential here.
The entire reading of this story, I've been wondering when it's title is going to reach out and slap us with a bit more drama. Or is it alluding to E& D's first meeting? But I suppose now I'll never know. I'm guessing this story 5 years later untouched will remain so?
It seems all the very best stories are abandoned at about this point. This one, girl on fire, behind the scenes. Authors must just give so much of themselves to create these real masterpieces have a small set back for whatever reason, (lost data, personal etc) , loose their mojo, have trouble getting back to it and thinking well by now no one would we interested anyway. ...I get it! . Well I assure you there would be hoards flocking back here if there was any movement, and a new crowd too. Maybe an editor could help or if you really don't intend to come back, maybe you could pass on your ideas to someone else and they could finish it for you? Like a story grave yard? I'm sure there would be takers. Anyway hope you're ok, it was def sounding like you had a few more chapters all ready to go. If you're just lurking there somewhere, don't be afraid to come back. We all need some escapism right now! Thanks for the fantastic read!
Guest chapter 47 . 3/28
I know it's been years since you've updated, but I've been hopeful all this time that I will one day get a notification that you've resurrected this story and you'll write to the finish. (Please please PLEEEEEASE.) I still miss these characters and this story! Hope you're well!
virginger chapter 47 . 2/24
been waiting a year for an update hahaha what happens on Friday? what's happened with lizzy and seb?

hope you're alright xD
bruingirl chapter 47 . 1/14
I’ve loved this story... any chance you’ll continue it?
purplediane chapter 47 . 1/9
Oh, I hope you will come back to finish this! The story is great!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
Absolutely love the story and hope you return to finish it up.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2019
It doubted that would like the story. The set up didn’t seem believable: Darcy as a model? However your writing is so good. Pools you right in. Thank you. Please continue! At least please let’s us know what happened w Seb and Lizzy and take us to gala !
Guest chapter 47 . 9/11/2019
Wow, i couldn't put this down! I'm guessing you're already published - if not, you should be. I love the imaginative storyline and sweet kinyness. About 1000x better than 50 Shades.
Dear Madam chapter 47 . 9/4/2019
I know life gets in the way, but it's been 4 years and I am dying for you to update and finish this masterpiece! I know I am not the only one, either. It's so good you could pull it for publishing and I wouldn't feel ripped off like I do when I buy certain other JAFF stories. You can do this! We are cheering you on!
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