Reviews for Father Warned Me
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Why are there tears in my eyes FML
reppad98 chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Aww, how cute! This was really nice :) Although the end was a bit confusing... This part:

"Before we first met on the train, my father told me who you were. He told me about his enemyship with your parents, and that I should try to outsmart you, to pride the Malfoy name. But I cannot hate you, Rose, because—

"Oh Merlin, I put a spider in Professor Cerise's cereal and I'm not brave enough to—"

It looks like Rose is saying that second part, with the spider... but is she? It seems more logical that Scorpius is saying that?
Well, anyway, this was a really nice story, very well written, I love it! Thanks for writing and keep writing!
Jenny-A1 chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Lovely fan fic, really adorable.
SKewedViEW chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
That was really sweet! The transitions between the time changes could be smoother but the content was great. If you decide to edit this I would focus on the way you time the flashbacks and where they fit in because the grammar and the content seemed spot-on at first glance. I think if the timing was played with a bit you could have a really big hit with this story!