Reviews for All the Things You Are
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Hi, I'm glad to see that you continue writing about this lovely couple...I think they deserve to be happy at last : ) You have an amazing sense of humor (you actually made me laugh more than a few times) which is refreshing when reading a story, specially when dramas and romance are concerned...even the anguish ones. Although I haven't left a review over the prior stories which have been labeled "angst", I did appreciate the fact that humor was also included to balance things out. You have an awesome talent and your writing skill is refreshing, easy to read and addicting if I can say so. : ) Thank you for sharing that wonderful talent with us, keep the good work and I will definitely wait for your update. Good luck!
PD: I got to watch DEBS the movie thanks for advice...nice one *u*