Reviews for To Be Worthy
Margret15 chapter 11 . 8/28/2019
I hope you are well Lexie and I am glad I have found your latest update to one of my favorite Guy/Marian stories.
Because, as always there is a certain depth and sincerity to be found in your characters and your way of story writing. Plus - and 1000 000 extra kudos for this - it is the sweetest thing ever to have Guy being involved in bringing baby Marian into this world ! It is a scene of high emotions and also of great symbolism. I truly adore this moment as well as I adore your unique writing and your special way to bring the pairing of Guy/Marian vividly to life.
Thank you for sharing and for not giving up on "To be Worthy".
Thornless Angel chapter 11 . 2/24/2019
Aww that's cute. I didn't see that coming. I hope you continue this story soon. It's really good.
Thornless Angel chapter 10 . 2/24/2019
Finally! They kissed
eucalyptusleaf chapter 11 . 2/20/2019
I'm so glad you're writing this again! I can't wait for the next installment!
eucalyptusleaf chapter 4 . 2/20/2019
This is one of my favorite chapters. The silent kneeling as a response is such a nice moment.
hmatlock chapter 11 . 2/10/2019
Loved rediscovering this story with the update. Can't wait to read more! Please update soon!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 11 . 2/10/2019
Just found this story and I am loving it! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
eucalyptusleaf chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
Won't you pretty please finish this story? It's so good! I need to know what happens next! :)
Thornless Angel chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Please continue this story
fieldandfountain chapter 10 . 9/8/2015
This was a really delicious tale! I generally don't like romance novels, and this is certainly a historical romance, but this had me feeling for the characters and fanning myself at various moments. I definitely had the sense they were more firmly rooted in a historical context than the show's characters, and that Guy was somewhat nobler, but I felt the changes were very fresh and made sense. I loved the inclusion of Meg as Marian's cousin, because I felt that Meg, in her brief appearance, was a sort of stand-in for Marian. And that dastardly Winchester! All in all a great story, and I hope you continue. I read on your profile you are from Argentina- if English is your second language, then brava! I never would have known.
fiamma71 chapter 10 . 12/18/2014
Welcome back dear Lexie, I started reading your story only this year and I really like it.
Actually I read, during this same year, some other things you've written in the past on livejournal, and especially the Guy/Marian acrostics and the one shot stories and your works are among the most beautiful things I've read in this fandom. I loved "Close your eyes" and "Remember".

So, your new chapter of "To be worthy" is the right occasion to tell you how much I like your stories and to let you know you have a new reader who likes the way you write and the choices you make during your writing.

The alternate universe that you describe in To Be Worthy is one of the most interesting and fascinating that I've read.
I like the way you describe and define your (wonderful) versions of Guy and Marian, so I hope you will continue the path of your beautiful story.

In this beautiful tenth chapter there is room for intrigue (also to clarify the intentions and responsibilities of Vasey and Winchester is the murder of Allan and to figure out how they intend to use Guy, Marian and Isabella for their own purposes).

The dialogue between the two is very well written and outlines very well the subtle character differences between the two characters in the play.

And then there is the amazingly beautiful scene in the church, with the '"misunderstanding" that pushes Marian to get jealous of the attention, really just friendly of Guy toward Meg and push the two (Marian and Guy) to "strip" if not their real and growing feelings, because Marian is "bonded" to Winchester, at least their emotions and their attraction and passion to each other.

The scene is very beautiful, passionate, sweetly romantic. Guy reveals much of himself, beyond the conventions but especially beyond his armor of defense towards the world and reveals much of himself just through his words to Marian before the kiss, Marian does the same ( she reveals much of herself beyond his armor of defense) through her actions, the way in which kisses him and hugs him and indulges his passion for Guy for a few moments.

A great scene, both for the linguistic choices you've made, both on an emotional level for the reader. I really hope you will bring forward your fantastic story, Lexie. For me it is absolutely fascinating.
Margret15 chapter 10 . 12/17/2014
I am delighted to see your update. Of course Vaisey is plotting and scheming just like we all know him, but it seems (for now) he has found an equal match in Winchester. Liked the "I will have Marian and Sussex"-reference to the show, but hopefully things will not work out this way for Winchester. I will wait and see.

I loved the second part of the chapter with all this insight you gave us into Guys mind and feelings. Having him using a nickname for Isabella, "Bella", is very touching and also bittersweet recalling their dysfunctional relation back in the show. Maybe things will different for the siblings in your story.
I also loved Guys thoughts about his parents and the way he yearns for redemption because he hopes for a reunion with his parents in heaven.
To me your decription of Guys inner thoughts and feelings are done very carefully and with much sensitivity and empathy. You are developing a Guy who is (almost) dead and buried deep into the soul of the shows Guy.

And even if he feels insecure and ill-equiped with women he is able to offer some kind of comfort to Meg and he is obviously able to turn Marians world (and his own) upside down and to make her wish she would be allowed (by herself ?) to put her own needs and desire before her (supposed) duty.
Their moment of passion and truth, the way you made them give in to their feelings and desire is decribed with beautiful words and holds so much intensity - I enjoyed it tremendously. "It is you and you alone..." - loved this as much as I loved their passionate embrace and kissing.
I agree with draegon-fire, how will Marian ever be able to go through with her marriage to Winchester after having experienced this ?

Thank you for giving us such an intense chapter full of emotions, I truly love it.
draegon-fire chapter 10 . 12/16/2014
I'm glad Marian and Guy gave into their feelings for each other, even if it was for a moment. I wonder how she's going to get out of marriage to Winchester, because there's no way she can go through with it, now that she knows how Guy feels for her.
Athenais Penelope Clemence chapter 9 . 10/19/2014
Great story. I like this AU. I really do. We have discussed it once in the reviews to the story on /. I do hope you will continue it.

I like how Vaisey tries to deceive Guy and use his personal misfortune to make Guy Richard’s enemy.

I like your writing style – expressive, beautiful, a little figurative, and a little whimsical. You love colorful comparisons, like I do. Our writings styles are somewhat similar in many aspects, for my style is also rich with comparisons and a little whimsical.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/14/2014
Great fic! I'm having very pleasant times reading your stories (From Russia With Love and now To Be Worthy)! I usually have mixed feelings about Marian... But I really like your portrayal of her! xoxo Fe
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