Reviews for Lilly on Trial
kingdarksky chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
kingdarksky chapter 2 . 10/19/2013
you should write more
Sergeant Sargent II chapter 2 . 8/29/2013
"getting on Garth's bad side could be almost as bad as getting on Eve's."
i like this detail. you've demonstrated it once before in garths fight in "Perils." Fun!

" but it's just, she looks like a roll of Bounty already,..."

hey, Kate's doing a pretty level headed masterful job here. awesome!

come on, somebody slow down and get Lilly's side of things, please; Lilly, now would be a good time to speak just slightly more assertively.

"I'm guessing there's nothing in the pack laws about an impartial judiciary," Humphrey grumbled.
Again, lol

"Garth," Kate said, "if you make this an Eastern Pack trial, you'll have to appoint somebody to defend Lilly and somebody to prosecute her. And do you really want to trust Claw or Scar or Edgar with that responsibility?"
Kate is on top of things today!
nice job thinking up this political dynamic, too. very well put together.

So, reluctantly, Humphrey took Garth's paw and shook it. "Nice to be, uh, working with you, partner," he said.
Yes! i really want to see how you write this duo.

"But why won't anybody listen?" said she. "I didn't do anything!"
Lilly, someone ought to explain to you what a trial actually is. it doesn't mean your guilty. that said, still no one has bothered to stop and ask for your side of the story. letting it come out for the first time in a public and uncontrolled setting with only one shot seems like a bad plan. also, getting lilly to recount her side of things confidently to a crowd who will most likely shout her down on numerous occasions will be hard... better to know before all that starts, in a private setting where she can speak better and in relative safety.

{!} the blood is evidence... Claw already messed with it by wiping his paw... will that be significant?

interesting... and i cant wait to read how Garth and Humphrey deal with working together.
Later! -Sarge
rene.basultosantander chapter 2 . 8/29/2013
me gusto la historia bueno me encanto sigue adelante y avísame si lo actualisas
Insignificant Details chapter 2 . 8/25/2013
Lilly is innocent! She must be!
dax0042 chapter 2 . 8/22/2013
I hope so, that Lilly is not the one.
dax0042 chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
I know Lilly could never do that. I like how you bring this story to life with a good sense of crime detail.
bestpersonyouwilleverknow chapter 2 . 8/21/2013
Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay! I've been waiting for this and I'm am so pleased with the chapter!
MoonTrekerAF chapter 2 . 8/21/2013
Lilly is innocent! She didn't do anything!
Anyway, I love this story, it's awesome. Lilly is going to have a really hard time with all this, I just hope she can be prove innocent, I Know she could not kill even a squirrel.
Well, that's all for now and I'll be waiting the next chapter, good luck and see ya later.
lack of a better name 117 chapter 2 . 8/21/2013
Dang. Nice chapter
Miss Lily Evans Forever chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
I love your story. Please continue.
MoonTrekerAF chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Cmon, please continue this story, its awesome!
lack of a better name 117 chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Sergeant Sargent II chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
"and… flammable…."
Kate is a pyro... *giggles like a five year old with matches* YES

"Wait…. Claw's a girl?" now THAT is new. what, if i may ask, was the inspiration for that one? Nice idea.

"in the end"? oof... Garth, you're gonna get it soon... why must you write him so? but i guess that will be worked out later.

living with the poet sounds hard. lots of different prejudices involved in this story.

As for the murder... well, well,... should be fun! how will Garth respond? plenty of interesting characters to suspect and wonder about. Who done it... [since we all assume at this point that it wasn't Lilly] [right...?]
Major Wolf chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
Very mysterious story...that is worth reading!
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