Reviews for High School Sucks!
H A M B O . 1 7 chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
I'm really really REALLY curious now. If Sebby is her butler, does that mean she had a deal with him? Or he's just a regular ol' butler serving his mistress?
ade854 II chapter 9 . 2/10/2017
it is okay, let Sasuke beside her? what if he suck her blood again? and where Sebastian go? okay, next Author-san,, keep writing okay, don't ever give up for making such a wonderful fanfict.. ganbatte ne (9*o*)9
ade854 II chapter 8 . 2/7/2017
next up Author-san,, update soon please.. ganbatte ne (9*o*)9
Ade854 chapter 8 . 10/16/2015
This fanfiction its really awesome *o* I really like it (b*o*)b ..
Update soon please ...

Ganbatte ne~ (9'o')9 ..
Trivena Kuchiki chapter 8 . 1/14/2015
Awesome read! Please continue!
aka uchiha chapter 7 . 6/25/2014
I want more sebas-hina onegaii!
The New Beginning chapter 7 . 2/5/2014
I hope everthing is ok! Hope sebastian dont mad her (she just shocked)..and update soon please! sebastianXhinata all the way!
bora chapter 7 . 2/4/2014
More more more!
TheAtAtSuKiKiD chapter 7 . 1/14/2014
Well it would be me of i could Only Remember my password on my phone! Anyway...

Shade: Second best slap in history!
Hinata: S-second?
Shade: yeah sorry you'll never be able to trump when Inoue slapped Ulquiorra... But hell it was still good!
Sasuke: *Sighs* What are you on about?
Shade: Bleach
Hinata: Bleach? Should we allow Shade to have Bleach?
Itachi: No
Shade: No its a anime damn it!
Sasuke: Hn... None of this relevant
Sebastian: This is just one hell of a review
Hinata: S-shade what the matter?
Shade: " Long story!
Sasuke: shes lost it...

Besides something really did happen but nevermind ...

Anyway What a chapter when it got posted I read it straight away... im still not Feeling sorry for either of them though besides Hinata but Saauke will probably lose out to Sebastian because it Sebastian!

Great chapter! *Hands author some Dango and another gold star*
Update soon!
Peace out!
cagallijula27 chapter 7 . 1/14/2014
This story should continue and learn more about Sebastian. Sasuke need to face Hinata and explain her what happen! Where is Hanabi and Neji in this story?
Guest chapter 6 . 8/16/2013
Go sebXHina!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
i'm on team Sebastian, Cause he's Simply One Hell Of A Butler. Also i was never very fond of Vampires.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/16/2013
i'm hoping for a SebXHina pairing. I like how it's going so far though. Please update soon.
Jasutisu.Meigetsu chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Why doesn't Hinata choose both? But if you weren't planning that then choose Sebastian instead!
Sasu: Hey! Hinata is mine!
Me: Nuh uh! You tried to suck her blood! *takes out mallet*
Sasu: Why do you have that mallet?... Wait no! ... Stop! ... AHHHHHH!
Hina: Umm.. Ano... Meigetsu-san, i think y-you k-k-killed him!
Me: nah! He is a vampire, a freak of nature! I dont think he died, if he did then, DAMN! He is weak!
Ita: I agree, the only way he killed me in the show was because i was sick and almost blind.
Me: agreed! How dare he kill you!
Sasu: i said i was sorry dammit!
Me: Shut up *gets the mallet*
Sasu: Nevermind! *goes to his emo corner*

Haha! Oh woops got sidetrack, anyways this story is sugoi! Please update soon
Kuroitsuki.Yurei chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Kawaii! Sebastian saves hinata! Dumb Sasuke! How dare you hurt my Hina-hime! (waving around the Evil Frying Pan of Doom!) I am now rooting for Sebastian x Hinata all the way! At first I wanted Sebas x Hina x Sasu threesome but unless Sasuke apologizes or feels guilty I will be on Team Sebastian! Please Update soon! :D
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