Reviews for Unexpected Allies
Guest chapter 6 . 8/10
Please consider to continue the story? It is amazing and would be so interesting to read more and them finding out the identities, especially see the reactions!
Crystal-Light-34 chapter 6 . 7/28
This is really good!
Suburato Nanami chapter 6 . 5/18/2019
Update. Pls.
Suburato Nanami chapter 2 . 5/18/2019
Haibara would be able to sense it if it was one of THEM.
Suburato Nanami chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
Tomoe Mami.. Sato must’ve lost her head if she thought THAT name works..
Mariazag chapter 4 . 5/13/2018
pleaseeeeee! continue this story! i love it! 3 (sorry mi Eglish)
Neyane chapter 6 . 3/21/2018
Okay, I'm way too excited about this.
I feel like Conan and Ai took the idea of Saya as a possible agent of the BO a bit too seriously, given several facts that they now pretty much quoted.
Also, I'm so disappointed neither Conan nor Ai (along with the police officers) understood Saya's true identity. Even if, true, Conan may not be the best person to recognize her, but still... And isn't Satou still missing? It's odd no one talked about it!
There's some mistakes too, some forgotten punctuation, a "Sata-san" instead of "Sato-san", stuff like that, but I'm really excited to see how things will go! I can't wait to see each other understand the other's secret, to see how they'll understand and confront each other, and finally team up. It's kind of a good thing it's not happening too fast... Kind of P I'm impatient. I also wonder who will get to the truth first. I hope it's Conan, he knows more about the shrinking, but on the other hand, he has been Conan for a long time and didn't always cover up very well, so with what Takagi and Satou already know, they're not far... But Conan too... Aaaaah, I wanna know what happens next!
Neyane chapter 2 . 3/21/2018
Well, that's really interesting. I should already be sleeping, but oh well, someone talked to me about your fic, so... I'm reading really fast, and I'm surprised at Sato's acting skills! Should be fun :3
Mysteryfan17 chapter 4 . 12/15/2017
I would LOVE if Takagi figures it out first. I believe he would put it together at some point if he had just one more major hint. One more thing to convince him and this would do it. The 'super smart child' acting like the shrunken adult detective... yeah, that'll do it. He's sooo close. Eeeeeeee.
Mysteryfan17 chapter 3 . 12/15/2017
This is really cool so far. I get the 'Walker/Vodka' after you explained it in your A/N but you accidentally had her think of Vodka in this chapter instead of Walker, just so you know. I look forward to the further confusion on her part, seeing more of 'Kudo' instead of just a smart Conan, even if she doesn't know the name to go with it.
Yin7 chapter 6 . 9/7/2017
Really cool hope u continue
Kawilger chapter 6 . 8/14/2017
This is so good, you can make good detective work that is logical. En you can write good, please make moor. ( I'm not English so, I'm not sure of moor Engels is sorry. If you have a translator. Moor is meer in the Netherlands).

If you have the time make moor please. I don't want you to rush the story.

P.S I don't have a translator now, I'm writing this with really poor WIFI, where it's taking 15 minutes to load one page. En if i do something else the loading begins again.
Adlenime chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Please, I beg you: CONTINUE THIS FANFIC! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL! I love Takagi and Sato and I don't want this story to stop like this, Just at the beggining. So please, continue! PS Sorry for my english, but it isn't my native language.
Arrysa Clair chapter 6 . 7/4/2017
You updated and now Im wanting for more. This fic is good. Keep up the pace of this incredible work.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/2/2017
This is getting really good, keep up the great work!
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