Reviews for New Kid
Marc Uplake chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
I really, really like this. This is one of the best stories posted on this fandom! But I think you only readed part 1 and 2 from the Shapeshifter don't you? Because you're using Tregarren College instead of Fenton Lodge ( if you didn't know because you've readed only part 1 and 2, that's the name of their new school, home or whatever you want to call it) I hope you will continue this!
D70dbf chapter 6 . 8/25/2015
rebekahmay01 chapter 6 . 10/15/2014
This story is awesome plz contuine
canislupuslover chapter 5 . 8/4/2014
Are you sick of me yet? I wouldn't be surprised if you are, I promise this is the last review I'm make today!
But I wanted to say well done one last time and also, you made your chapters funnier than the shapeshifter! (Its hard to beat the worlds best book) so well done!
canislupuslover chapter 4 . 8/4/2014
Whenever I review this story I will use my canislupuslover name for you. Thanks for saying thanks to me (does that make sense?) I really appreciate how you actually red my review (I'm going slightly mushy now- pull yourself together canislupuslover!) I love the name Alana now! Just the other day I discovered a singer I like is called Alana, funny hey!?
Still enjoying every chapter that I read again, canislupuslover.
canislupuslover chapter 5 . 8/4/2014
Just to say I still love your story! I write reviews under the name Lisa Hardman 23 now, but canislupuslover is used to. I also still think that its great you wanted to put this story on this site so everyone else could read it. I think your brave because sometimes a people just give out bad reviews, but this story deserves no less than five stars out of five stars.
Lizzie998 chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
Yay you're gonna post. I can't wait. I'm glad you kept with it. If people don't read your stories, you should post it for yourself. It makes me feel better to get my stories of my chest. Then you know it is there for people to read if they want. People the meeeee! :D
canislupuslover chapter 1 . 4/16/2014
I love your story! It doesn't matter if you only got one review, I think you should carry on! If you don't I'm gonna be very upset! I really like your story. And I wanna know what happens next!
Carry on plz!
Lizzie998 chapter 6 . 4/14/2014
Please don't stop. I really like where it is going and i would like to see Owen's response to the pup's.
x-ema-x chapter 7 . 3/14/2014
To be fair, this is a tiny fandom. So if your work isn't getting the attention you think it deserves, don't take it badly on yourself
Purple September chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
Not true. When I wrote my story, you kept right along with it. Now I have 15 new reviews on it, and a continuation of it. Then someone reviewed the continuation because they said they followed the other one. They didn't review on that one, now did they? Sometimes, you just have to trust that the people will love what you've got for them. (Because they really will love it.)
ValkyrieVeela chapter 6 . 12/2/2013
What?! NO! I SWEAR I reviewed this story AGES ago! I've been waiting for an update almost as long as I've been on FanFic!
PLEASE reconsider!
It's not your fault there's only about ten people on this fandom! Just write for your own sake, or mine if it helps! I like LisaxDax but I LOVE your story!
Babies are cute!
Especially foxy babies!
Write on, mine pal! I implore thee!
The Bonecrusher Hyena chapter 6 . 11/9/2013
This is not Bad! Its very good!
Awesomenesss-sama chapter 6 . 6/21/2013
I love my storys!
ValkyrieVeela chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
PLEEEEEASE continue!