Reviews for Stay
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1
I like that time and distance are mostly the catalyst for Sookie's reflection of her and Eric. But no better than Appius? I think that's a bit of a stretch. A lot of a stretch actually.
Sooty85 chapter 10 . 7/20/2019
I absolutely loved this story, your ending was perfect, I loved fairy Sookie, I always wondered why it was always mentioned that she had "the spark" but what was the use when she had no power to back that up ? She was no more powerful than Jason who apparently didn't have the Spark !

Like you I didn't read the last 3 books, CH gave us these fabulous characters but eventually I think she just got bored, wrung out every dollar that she could from them and then gave up.
I felt cheated and as a result haven't bought, read or watched any other stories of hers.

I had also completely given up on True Blood, the storyline became ridiculous and the only thing I gained from the show was an appreciation of Alexander Skarsgard
So thanks for writing this
HartleySkarsgard chapter 10 . 3/2/2019
Another amazing read
TeamEricNSookie chapter 10 . 12/28/2018
I liked this story. My only issue that I have with the story is Eric‘s hesitation about Sookie’s fea blood. That she was somehow be over him in the hierarchy of power. For years he questioned why she didn’t trust in him and believe in him. And now given the opportunity to trust and believe in her, especially since she came to rescue him it just seems a little odd to me that he would be upset by that. But she would somehow use that power to hold it over him. Thank you so much for sharing this story, you’re a great writer.
TeamEricNSookie chapter 10 . 12/28/2018
I love this story. The only issue I really have with the story is Eric’s hesitation that Sookie’s fea blood would set her above him in the hierarchy. For years he questioned her trust and believe in
AidualcLupa chapter 10 . 7/31/2018
Thank you for this inspiring tale! Especially after the clusterfuck of CH's and AB's endings... Cudos from Hamburg/Germany
virgomrs chapter 10 . 11/19/2017
LdyJulanna chapter 8 . 4/2/2017
I love this thank fuck sookie grew a pair and got a piece
LdyJulanna chapter 1 . 4/2/2017
oh wow what's she gonna do?
MarinaAntolini chapter 3 . 9/8/2016
Everytime i read one of your stories i get more and more angry with charlaine and allan ball. I love charlaine for creating eric but i still can't believe what she did to him and sookie. So thank you for restorting the balance.
tanseynz chapter 10 . 5/16/2016
This is the smile ending, not sappy, not weak and certainly not the limpness CH served up. Here our two have grown into themselves, have used their brains and work as a real team. Sam was a friend, not a lover, Bill, a two faced hypocritical rapist, and Alcide & Quinn irrelevant.
It was always Eric, but he didn't deserve the self-righteous hypocrite that was Sookie. She had to be as worthy of him as he was of her, and you showed that. Perfectly.
Nitebriter chapter 10 . 3/28/2016
Awesome ending! It's so much better than the book's ending. I'm glad I found this story. And I love Eric's very descriptive dark moments. Thank you die taking the time to write it.
faerieluv13 chapter 9 . 1/24/2016
Loved this story! I cannot express how disappointed I was with how CH tried to end her series. I just mentally was not having it! Thank you for sharing your creative spin!
bashfyl chapter 10 . 8/21/2015
Thank you for this. So much better then where the book left us.
AZSeaOtter chapter 10 . 7/11/2015
Love, love, love it!
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