Reviews for Corpse Harvest: The Source
CrazedAuthor17 chapter 22 . 2/17/2015
This was so good! I loved every second of it even if I can't stand zombies! All the death and sadness really hit home and was written amazingly! I look forward to the next part! :D
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 22 . 11/23/2014
I’ve enjoyed this fic for so long, and I've been interested to see how it all ends. And for the most part, you didn't disappoint.

I seriously cannot believe that only three people made it out alive. Three people; and only one left on the island. That’s… really depressing, to say the least. Still, I kinda do like how you ended it; that final scene tied in very well with the overall tone of the story, I have to say, and the cliffhanger ending kept up the suspense right until the very last word and beyond. It's not like I expected some big happy ending, anyway, haha.

This was by far the best zombie fic I've read on this site, and I love how you really focused on the character interactions and their emotions, rather than just the usual zombie blood and gore (though there was no shortage of that, either, because what would a zombie fic be without it?). You made it easy for me to really feel for the characters and relate to them, which in turn made me actually care about what happened to each of them, rather than just thinking of them as "just another one to add to the body count."

And I’m so glad to hear that you do plan on writing more in this series, with a focus on other Harvest Moon villages and towns! That means the story isn’t over yet, after all, so I still have some good zombie fic to look forward to. And that should tie up the many loose ends left in this particular story. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for when that happens, though I understand there will probably be a pretty wide break in between the posting of this final chapter and the posting of the first chapter of Part 2. But I'll be waiting patiently!

- Cotton Candy Mareep
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 21 . 11/23/2014
Ooohh, that's a certainly ominous chapter title, I have to say.

Well shit, so that’s who was behind the creation of these monsters? I can’t believe it, but at the same time, it’s so obvious now that I also can’t believe I didn’t catch on sooner. I mean, he has been missing throughout the entire course of the story, after all. Which was weird, seeing as how even the Witch had a big part in both the plot as a whole and in the spread of the zombie virus as a primary antagonist. And it makes perfect sense that magic would be used to awaken the dead, yes? But either way, I was just wondering when/if he would come into the story! (Though I admit, I was sort of hoping he would have shown up as a hero... but that would have been far too optimistic for this story, haha).

Great chapter; looks like there's just one more left!

- Cotton Candy Mareep
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 20 . 11/23/2014
Hmm, I like Angela’s determination, even if things aren’t so looking good for them. So many people have died in such a short amount of time, and it’s not over yet.

I liked how brave Anissa became in this chapter, right up until the very end. And I thought it was nice how you added that short bit about Luke giving Owen’s hammer to Kathy - kind of bittersweet, really. Also, it was interesting how Julius had wanted to keep Mira safe, but failed. I enjoyed the bit of backstory on him; from what he says, it seems that he had been unstable for quite some time, but it went largely unnoticed. But he probably should have watched over Mira on his own rather than trusting the Witch to take care of it.

And I was right, even more people died this chapter, just as I suspected would happen. There’s barely anyone left; it almost seems pointless to go after Julius now that nearly everyone is already gone anyway, you know what I mean? Though that's a very cynical way of looking at it. I'm sure it’s better to get rid of him at the very least, even if we’re left with just one survivor to tell the tale. But everyone left has already lost so many important people to them, you just know that none of them will ever be the same again. Because really, how does one go back to living a normal life after experiencing something as terrible as this? I’d never be able to, personally; I’d probably go crazy.

I have to say, this was a very depressing chapter, albeit definitely interesting, and I really hope there’s some explanation of where this zombie virus or whatever it is came about before the story is through. And I wonder whether or not the Wizard is going to appear at all, seeing as how the Witch already did. I do want to mention that I like the way you write your villains; they were both unexpected, and undeniably horrible (and by that, I mean cruel and unstable).

- Cotton Candy Mareep
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 19 . 11/23/2014
Just got back into reading fanfiction for the time being, and to my surprise, I found that this story has already been completed! I'm so glad you never abandoned it, for now I get to see how it ends!

Ugh, I was really hoping Jin or someone would be able to help Candace by some slim chance, but deep down I knew this would happen, as by that time it was too late and there was nothing they could do - once poisoned, there was no way to prevent her from turning. It’s a shame, since she’s one of my favorite characters, but then again she wasn't happy living without her grandmother or Luna. Damn, and Jin too; that scene was so morbid and depressing, I couldn't help but laugh at the utterly terrible situation they're in. Not only is Anissa now certainly scarred emotionally, but losing their doctor definitely puts them all at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to possible (probable?) further injury.

Damn it, and even Molly? I thought there may have been a chance for her to escape and survive, but I should have known better than to get my hopes up. After all the deaths in this chapter, Julius is going to overpower them all if they don’t put a stop to him fast.

Also, I don't know why, but I found Julius's "stupid baboon" insult to be pretty funny, haha. I still like him, even if he is an evil psychopath in this fic.

-Cotton Candy Mareep
Dynamictoffee chapter 22 . 11/16/2014
Such a cliffhanger! I love how you ended with Toby burying the honoured fallen. It was so emotional.
Pixelsaber chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
I checked and it seems my last reviews didn't make it... It's probably the phone.

Two survivors then... less than my expected five.

I guess my recap/final review is in order:
First off I love that you focused ,not only on the survivors like most zombie fics, but their state of mind, their relationships with others.

The character's interactions really made this story for me.

Also a noteworthy aspect was Julius, he was a really well made villain, I honestly never suspected him until the last minute, his personality was great and his actions throught the fic made him an authentic treacherous bastard. And the Witch and Wizard assisting him where great touches.

I'll definetly be reading the rest of them, great work.
Untill the next one!
"Hasta luego"
Halidom chapter 22 . 11/8/2014
I should have reviewed this when I started reading around the time you published chapter 16, I think.
I thought this was really great and it really kept me on the edge of my seat when I was reading these! If you're doing other parts I will readily read them. I really enjoyed the human focus, though. Too many zombie stories I've read in the past year ignore the human component of the story.
Your ending really got to me though, in case someone is reading the reviews before the story, let's just say that is my second favorite character, and I got all torn up inside! Let's not even talk about my favorite character!
Great job, I'll definitely watchlist you and be waiting!
A Guest chapter 20 . 11/7/2014
Oh, how very sad that the Wizard was a part of the wickedness. I had hoped he would come and help the villagers. Great story, anyway. Waiting to see how this ends. Still, very sad that the Wizard turned out to be evil and wicked.
Dynamictoffee chapter 19 . 10/5/2014
The suspense! It seems like Julius is picking them all off one by one and winning! But I suspect that the Wizard will make an appearance soon. He hasn't made an appearance in the entire story! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 18 . 7/31/2014
Just saw that you already updated the story with another long chapter, and I have to say, that really made my day. After that dramatic cliffhanger ending with Candace and Renee, I couldn’t wait to see what happens next.

Considering the fast reactions of Kasey and Jin, it really was a good thing that Candace had other people in the inn available to help her out, or that situation could have ended up a lot worse than it did. I can’t blame Cain for not responding quicker to help Candace, though, seeing as how he just abruptly found out that his daughter had been mysteriously zombified right after everyone thought that entire zombie situation was over and done with for good, just a horrific memory of the past. Oh no, and I feel so terrible for Toby, too. But I liked how he, Cain, and Hanna came together to talk about their good memories of Renee, it was such a bittersweet moment.

I didn’t think it was Jin anymore, because if Jin really had been the one wanting to start the zombie apocalypse back up, it seems kind of contradictory to be the one to kill the only zombie left (Renee), you know? And he is a doctor, so that could possibly explain why he’s so calm in stressful situations. Anyway, the idea that one of them actually did it, and betrayed everyone like that, is horrible. :(

I could see how one might suspect Anissa… I mean, this whole zombie mess began with her family – her father Craig, and then her brother Taylor. And she’s not exactly emotionally and mentally stable (though really, after that ordeal, who is?).

Oh. But it seems my other guess was correct, and as soon as he began to tell the story about his past, my suspicions were confirmed. Which is a shame, since he is one of my favorite characters, but what can you do? He really is a sociopath, at least in this fic. Poor Molly, she only came to Castanet in the first place because she was worried about her siblings, and now look where she’s ended up.

But at least now, they’re so close to figuring out who did it. The cat’s nearly out of the bag.

-Cotton Candy Mareep
Pixelsaber chapter 18 . 7/29/2014
I wasn't expecting Julius at all...
The parts where everyone is telling who they suspect and being able to see their thoughts on the matter was great.
I wonder what'll happen next.
Have a nice day!
Dynamictoffee chapter 18 . 7/29/2014
OMG! DIDN'T EXPECT THAT! At the beginning of the chapter I had a few names in my head but were cut down to 3. I was wrong on all of them. I didn't suspect the culprit untill halfway through their story where I began to suspect their motive because I know what it's like for them but jeez... Anyway great chapter and I'm very much looking forward to reading the next one!

Also I really want to talk to somebody about this chapter and the entire story so if somebody could please PM me because I desperately want to talk about this and nobody else I know reads this story!
Cotton Candy Mareep chapter 17 . 7/20/2014
I thought it was interesting how they decided to dispose of the remaining zombies. I suppose that method gives some of the villagers a better sense of closure, even if it is difficult for them to handle. I can understand why Anissa had a sort of mental breakdown there, but the one that really moved me was Candace, after what happened to her sister and grandmother, her only family that had done so much for her while they were alive.

I can also understand why they wouldn’t tell anyone about the zombies. With the zombies all dead and disposed of, I don’t think anyone would believe that explanation, and might think the villagers had all gone insane, especially with the mess the town must be in now. An epidemic would be a more believable explanation as to why most of the village was wiped out, and it’s still half true.

And finally Kasey and Molly make it to Harmonica Town! I had actually expected them to appear earlier while the zombies were still terrorizing the village, but they came just in time to help out.

Oh man, that ending, though. Looks like they’re not so safe now, after all. I knew something felt a little off this whole chapter. But the question is, how did it happen? Or should I say, who?

Fantastic chapter, by the way, I was happy to see that you updated!

-Cotton Candy Mareep
Dynamictoffee chapter 17 . 7/18/2014
NOOOOO! How/when did Renee get infected?
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