Reviews for Lies, Screams, and Complexes
TheHerondaleGal chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
This is still my absolute favourite story in the history of the world to date. I have read it sporadically throughout the years and I find myself coming back to read it a lot. Very well written, awesome storyline, beautifully written characters. Overall amazing. You are very talented!
D-e chapter 23 . 1/5/2018
I always rooted for the Brotp but as long as they take it slow and Jon gets aple amount of therapy and presses charges to those a snakes - this could work
D-e chapter 22 . 1/5/2018
And here I am rooting for a good recovery and that Mira and Jon can end up as Brothers at arms. Considering he got sexually assaulted before this accident I really do not think romance is the way to go. But that's my Brotp opinion, it's your story so writte away
D-e chapter 21 . 1/5/2018
I KNEW IT ! It was foreshadowed and now he better live so we can all live happily. Also can they press charges to that sex offender and pedophile? That has to be done. Silence is not consent!
D-e chapter 20 . 1/5/2018
That better not be foreshadowing! Don't end this Romeo Juliet style! Plz! And I know it's your story but can can they end up as brothers in arms
D-e chapter 19 . 1/5/2018
Ok Mira you got this. Be upfront patient and understanding. Try platonic. You just went of with the enemy so keep in mind the instability you are dealing with. Jon cannot walk, let's boot do more marathons
D-e chapter 18 . 1/5/2018
Jace is a new kindof manipulative psycopat. Aaaaaaand I am so done with him,Jocely valentine and the other crazys. tho i really hope Mira and Jon work out a platonic relationship
D-e chapter 17 . 1/5/2018
And the plot tickens, and Valintine and Jocelyn i am warrning you!
D-e chapter 16 . 1/5/2018
Emotional issues. I knew it. This will get messy. MESSY! Not only does she make him run, but she joins him in a marathon. Damn it! I belived in them. Damn, Damn...
D-e chapter 15 . 1/5/2018
Here I was hopeing for a platonic relationship. Key phrase: A man cannot not run before he can run. Jon is not reeady and you all know it. Mira I know you like him BUT DO NOT PUSH.
D-e chapter 14 . 1/5/2018
I must be one of the few who is rooting for a platonic relationship between Tyler and Jon. Jon clearly is not ready for romance. I hope Maria realises soon so they can become thick as thieves
D-e chapter 13 . 1/5/2018
This revaluation is going to crush Jon. I hate Jocelyn on another level she just so abusive and selfish and completely out of her mind!
D-e chapter 12 . 1/5/2018
Mia, darling why can you not invest in a platonic relationship with Jon, he is deffinetly NOT ready for romance. Nada, he cannot handle the connection, smal steps. Do not egg his to run before he can walk. Besides you and mark are cute, or you can also just be friends with him. Staying as the hardcore single lady. There is no need for a love tiangle, when one is clearly not qualified
D-e chapter 11 . 1/5/2018
Damn, Mira tries to pice Jon back to getter, but he needs a theriapist and some profecional help. Reistraining orders for his parents possibly Jace, and lots of therapy. she cannot not do this alone. the cut is to deep and the Lightwoods and Fairchilds keep pushing.
d-e chapter 10 . 1/5/2018
Jocelyn. Even her name ruins lives everywhere. Also Mira press charges!
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