Reviews for In the Library
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2019
Really hot and cute
afinemess5 chapter 4 . 2/1/2015
Oh my goodness. I have no idea how I've never read this before but I absolutely loved it. This is written so brilliantly and so in-character-funny, sexy, and a little sad.

"but he thought he had never seen anything more stunning than CC Babcock trying to catch her breath because he had stolen it with a kiss." I read this, and then re-read it, and then stared at it because it's so beautiful. This is one of my favorite lines I've ever read in a fic.

""What next time, baby?" She said it cruelly because she didn't know how to be kind, didn't have it in her to contemplate what it might mean that this man—this servant, she corrected herself—had made her come undone in a matter of minutes." This is just so perfect. This is another line I just STARED at.

"Moments later, he came with a guttural exclamation that might have been her name, but she refused to acknowledge the fact that she liked hearing it on his lips." This fic hurt but it hurt in a wonderful, beautiful way. I can imagine this being canon. I can imagine this being why Niles said she loves being taken in the library. I can see this being the set-up for their entire relationship on the show. Thank you so much for this.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/23/2014
I always find myself re-reading this story and I've always wondered if this could continue, if possible please do! This is a great story :)
MariaAlbina chapter 4 . 2/22/2014
OMG I loved this. So hot and so IC.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/28/2013
The last line is absolutely delicious!
KB91 chapter 4 . 7/7/2013
Holy crap. This story is ... yowsa! I like all your stuff, but I think this is your best so far. Tight pacing, fabulous dialogue, spot on characterization. And it really makes complete sense for the show and their history - in the early episodes, Niles does take care of her and they do have moments where they are talking rather than always sniping plus his insults are much drier and less biting. It's not until Fran settles in that CC gets more desperate in her bids for Max's attention, which in turn leads Niles to grow even more frustrated and intense in how he responds. It all makes perfect sense that something like this could have happened. Gah, so good!
Searider Falcon chapter 4 . 5/6/2013
GUH. Everything about this chapter was so frakking hot, omg. Their physical chemistry and how he evokes the kind of reactions in her that she doesn't "do" (the weak knees, the whimpering) makes me swoon. And I love the so very in-character biting remarks they make to each other (also that saucy comment about liking whips! HA! Not to mention her retaliation when he does it again, hee!)

Lastly, best line last! That was just perfect and made me squee!
Searider Falcon chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
I have such a huge soft spot of moments where, even as he tugs on her figurative pigtails, Niles goes out of his way to take care of her in little ways. And I just love, love, love that she miiiiiight have been playing up the level of her inebriation. :D

Also, I'm really enjoying that C.C. has a certain self-awareness about her attraction to Niles in this story (and by the end of this chapter, even reveling in it a bit!). She may not be thrilled about it or want to dwell on it, but she's not outright denying what she's feeling either, and that's refreshing to see in a story, when usually fanfic!C.C. is more prone to panic and unwilling to accept even the slightest admittance that she feels something other than irritation toward him.
Searider Falcon chapter 2 . 5/6/2013
LOL at Niles being totally tongue-tied by C.C. and her lack of concern over her own state of undress. That she's privately a bit thrilled at his reaction is even better.

AHHHH. I'm just as irrationally disappointed as C.C. is as him stepping away after wrapping the blanket around her! And I love Niles being thoughtful enough (and too damned curious for his own good) to grab a few bras for her...I giggled at his bafflement over the variety. :)
EspoirDio chapter 4 . 5/5/2013
Yes, perfect! Absolutely in love with this!
This: "I like whips as well as the next girl, but you gotta give me some warning," she drawled near his ear, then bit the lobe. made me laugh out loud.

And this: "What next time, baby?" She said it cruelly because she didn't know how to be kind, didn't have it in her to contemplate what it might mean that this man—this servant, she corrected herself—had made her come undone in a matter of minutes. was probably my favourite bit...just because it's so accurately C.C.

Thank you for this!
AllTheSnakes chapter 4 . 5/5/2013
This was really great! They are so difficult, with all the zingers in the way, and the need of hiding things, and the attacks towards the other, that it seemed almost impossible they would manage to do it without breaking the moment. But you made it!
And it is somewhat in canon, too, because she prohibits him to mention it, she still dreams of marrying Maxwell and she is multiply satisfied...
Great ending, by the way. It gives an 'open door' for their relationship!
bogiedevil chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
This chapter absolutely delivered everything that I had hoped for. Loved the entire story!
Tanya Reed chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
I really enjoyed this. :)
lilliewildelangtry chapter 4 . 5/4/2013
"Niles, could you come in here? My zipper seems to be stuck." Hehe, Round two.

Loved it! A definite breath of air with all of these exams and papers I'm having. You never cease to amaze me! :)
lilliewildelangtry chapter 3 . 5/2/2013
A wonderful image, seeing C.C in Niles' arms even if she is drunk : )

Aww Niles does care. That ol' softy!
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