Reviews for Complimentary
PimpedOutGreenEars chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
So I just wanted to say I really, really love this. Like, a lot. Your beginning paragraph is beautiful. Great metaphors. And I feel like that is exactly the kind of way Ferb would think. And while I can read this ship written 50 different ways, I always prefer when people don't try to erase the fact that they feel like brothers, blood or not.

"And he knows that it isn't step, it's always been brother, but now he acts like their bond is less so his affections can be more." This is my favorite line. Just the perfect embodiment of the struggle he has to be feeling.

I'm also a huge fan of your interpretation of Phineas' sexuality.

So yeah, just really great job on this!
BlytheHasFreckles chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
First off, I totally agree. Phinerb needs more (good/solid) stories. I'm thinking about writing one myself!

There are so many things I like about this drabble, partly because I'm a huge Phinerb supporter and also because I like Phinerb fics that aren't pushed into romance too quickly. I always look for Phinerb fics that are more implied romance than absolutely direct and/or unnecessary. This drabble has enough simplicity and emotion in it to understand what Ferb's feeling, knowing about Phineas's usual disregard for romance while also harboring feelings for him that he knows are, in his own eyes, unrealistic.

At the same time, the way the companionship between the two was displayed tastefully. You seem to understand the characters and relationships, so that's also a plus! Another part of this drabble I liked is that you have superb imagery and poetic description. Very nice, very creative :) (And in a technical viewpoint, your grammar is fantastic as well!)

Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that I appreciate this little scenario, being a fellow Phinerb fan myself. I hope you'll continue to write these drabbles - they feed my innermost appreciation for this unusual, yet different and interesting pairing! Keep the Phinerb love going!
