Reviews for Realizing
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 3 . 6/7
g ch p
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 2 . 6/7
go od chp. Dumb Narutp
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 1 . 6/7
go ov osld ch p
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 4 . 6/1
Naruto is nerfed so bad it isn't even funny. You should rewrite the entire story because I am at only chapter 4 and realize it is a very big mess. You said you weren't going to depower Naruto and you went and did exactly that and it was on such a massive scale as well.

Good luck with this disaster of a story anyway. Started out good but just declined really fast sad to say.
MarkedPariah chapter 12 . 5/17
Man... I've been liking this story so far but it is weird how you have been downplaying some of Naruto's physical abilities. I'm not going to throw out numbers and whatnot but Naruto regularly got into high-speed fights with his opponents so he should have no trouble keeping track of where he is going when he runs fast. Also you haven't had Naruto use his clones all that often in the fights. Like the clones could easily be used to help prevent surpises or people escaping unnoticed.

Anyways thanks for sharing your work with us.
Guest chapter 20 . 5/3
Im sorry i really tried but the story just went to shit from the moment you blew naruto up. Hes survived explosions in canon equal to nukes going off in his face with nothing but some scrapes and ver minor burns and damaged clothing but a weak tiny little NORMAL grenade takes of his arm and eye? It makes no sense then all the stort decisions you made after that point of the story it just went down hill
Guest chapter 19 . 5/3
Naruto DOES NOT KILL ACCEPT AS A LAST RESORT and never as revenge its just such a sasuke thing to do and since its something sasuke would do naruto never would
Guest chapter 18 . 5/3
Hell you could of even been slighlty more original while still sticking to canon naruto give him a living prostethic made up from martian tech all martian tech is biomechanical in nature so it would of been like having a real flesh and blood arm and maybe even eye youncould even have them use some of narutoa dna in creating ir so they canbetter channel his chakra
Guest chapter 17 . 5/3
So youve just stolen arsenals storyline for naruto talk about pathetic. You have lex and the light creating naruto clones you should of just had lex come up with a way to succesfully transplant a clones arm and eye to naruto and be done with it
Guest chapter 16 . 5/3
This would be better if it was post canon naruto that way hes got the hashirama prosthetic that hed be able to regrow and what not
Guest chapter 14 . 5/3
Nabu the spirit of the helmet is a lord of krder hes and klarion are equals if klarion cant sense naruto then nabu cant also nabu is vandal savages son
Guest chapter 13 . 5/3
Deathstroke would never knowingly or willingly take something like that hes got to much pride and ego
Guest chapter 10 . 5/3
Chakra powers come from years and decades of gruelling exhausting and occasionally life threatening danger and it takes years and years of training and giving anyone chakra powers and giving any one isnt skill and power with it will just feel like a cop out also when a bijuu and host have full cooperation they become immune to any and all mental attacks psimon entering narutos mind would of taken him directly to his mindscape where kurama resides and kurama would of expelled him instantly so you better not have had psimon get anything out of narutos mind otherwise ill be sorely disappointed in what so far has been a decently written interesting story
Guest chapter 8 . 5/3
Now i remember why i stopped reading this in the past. The DC universe has more then enough powerful characters that rival and even surpass naruto but you felt you had to use narutos dna to create a clone which just over complicates the story in unnecessary ways
Guest chapter 20 . 4/24
Noice. Now update
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