Reviews for Ten Long Years
isabella.paula.31 chapter 8 . 12/24/2017
Pleaaaaaase continue, i love this story
Hugabouv chapter 8 . 5/17/2013
MMM the plot thickens. I think the phantom here is getting a little two dimensional... that is not a bad thing I think you can broaden out now with the plot and expand your characters personality and dimensions... :D
GeekyGamerCat chapter 8 . 5/15/2013
first he should make amends to his family, then the new guy should be a boring guy who finds people lesser than him.
RedDeathLvr chapter 8 . 5/15/2013
I'm sure once erik finds out about Meg's new beau they'll be a price to pay. *shudders* update soon.
RedDeathLvr chapter 2 . 5/12/2013
Shame on erik for making meg, at 7 months pregnant take Christine's kids back up. Such a gentleman. .. not. Reading on. .
RedDeathLvr chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
Definitely make it an E/M fic plz
RainWillMakeTheFlowersGrow chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
You've probably already published that part of the story, but dor the record: ErikMeg! Forever! Also, eight chikdren after ten years of marriage? Poor Christine! But yeah, love it.
GeekyGamerCat chapter 7 . 4/29/2013
poor willy is in the pond save your son erik!
StuddedHeartbreaks chapter 6 . 4/29/2013
Please write more :O
LeeAnn Christine chapter 6 . 4/28/2013
OMG, I LOOOOVE THIS! Just to let you know:)
GeekyGamerCat chapter 6 . 4/28/2013
you make erik so mean :[
GeekyGamerCat chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
meg and erik please! there's too many e/c and oc fic and not enough m/e!
newbornphanatic chapter 5 . 4/28/2013
evie! it's a beautiful name, anyway in this story im going along with christine and meg im terrified of this erik now! but that's good cause i know erik is not a romantic hero and all about i mean ive seen the oringinal! so you deserve a virtual cookie! anyway name the girl EVIE and i will be a happy reveiwer and also UPDATE SOON!
Sea's child chapter 5 . 4/28/2013
Great chapter! I Rose would be pretty.
newbornphanatic chapter 3 . 4/24/2013
to tell you the truth no your question authoress i really dont know depends if raouls brother is dead he is the comte but if not then raoul is still a viscount and the oldest child actually is a comte. anyway erik is getting into a plan now im so worried *btes fingernails* UPDATE SOON!
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