Reviews for The New Guardian
Joshari chapter 7 . 6/12/2014
Great story, but it's a bit hard to read.
ayoungwriter chapter 5 . 12/9/2013
Ugh, please! Update this soon! I'm in-love with this, really! You are such an amazing author, dear. Do update soon.
CookieMafiaBoss chapter 5 . 12/1/2013
I love all the mythologies here! Its awesome! I cant wait for the next update!
CookieMafiaBoss chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
I re-read the chapters and Im still in love with this story.I know you don't have that many reviewers, but I believe you should continue this story. It's amazing and just very well written in general.
Bunny chapter 4 . 6/13/2013
When i first read it i tought dis will be a awesome story and it is .
you are one of my favorite writers.
CookieMafiaBoss chapter 4 . 6/12/2013
YES! Your updated! I was in love with this story when I first read it. Its one of my favorites not gonna lie.
CookieMafiaBoss chapter 3 . 4/27/2013
I love how she's talented in many ways but she had to learn for a long time. Most people say there OC's learn very fast and I think that makes the character less appeling. PLEASSE UPDATED SOON!
Forever-Dino chapter 2 . 4/21/2013
This is great! please keep posting!
CookieMafiaBoss chapter 2 . 4/21/2013
This is AWESOME!I LOVE IT! Please update soon!
BlueberriesAndPie chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
This is awesome! It's like dragons mixed with supernatural powers. It's awesomely awesome. NEW FAVOURITE STORY RIGHT HERE! Love it. Keep going. Can't wait till the next chapter!