Reviews for Taking Chances
KillTheMessenger1864 chapter 18 . 8/26
I love this notary! It's beautiful! Please continue it some day!
KillTheMessenger1864 chapter 8 . 8/24
Just read the part with her talking to Jeremy. And GOD my heart is broken
evepilcher6 chapter 18 . 7/26
I love love love love love this story I first found it on Wattpad then I downloaded this and immediately searched for it I’m so happy I’ve found it and I can’t wait for the next update! Xxxx
keirabaker chapter 18 . 7/20
I hope this story continues x
ppaannddaa27 chapter 18 . 5/25
Love your writing, just recently stumbled on this story and I’m obsessed! Please update xx
Guest chapter 17 . 3/20
Please continue this story ...this is one of my favourite...pls pls continue
alt232981 chapter 18 . 2/2
Please tell me this hasn't been abandoned or forgotten about I absolutely love this I've read it so many times it's one of my favorites it just needs to be completed i really hope you plan on finishing it
NoFate2608 chapter 18 . 1/5
This story is just WOW! I LOVE the Damon and Ric in the army angle and everyone's interactions. I know it's been over a year since you updated but I hope you continue, because it's amazing and I can't wait to read more!
ladymadonnav chapter 18 . 10/24/2019
I can’t wait for the update, whenever you decide to write it!
bh0802 chapter 12 . 10/9/2019
Damon’s a stand up guy and too good of a brother to not help Stefan, and I’m glad he wants to, but damn I’m still mad at stef. Yes for stealing freaking 200 grand and kicking her out with trashbags, but I cannot believe he would not do anything to help Elena, there’s no way he didn’t know she was being abused. That’s what hurts the most and I just AHHHHH. I love your writing of both Elena and Damon’s character. Also the humour is A
bh0802 chapter 11 . 10/9/2019
I loved Elena’s response so much, you did an amazing job with that. I’m glad you didn’t make her just up and leave and shut him out completely straight away. It kind of pulls at my heartstrings though. If they had gotten together 9 years ago... would they be on a completely different trajectory
bh0802 chapter 9 . 10/9/2019
wow I just found your story and just binged the first 9 chapters without stopping. So incredible! I see that you haven’t updated since dec last year, but I hope you still come back and finish this one day! I’ve been holding out on some unfinished fics that were last updated 3-5 years ago, so I’m definitely not giving up on this one yet! there’s still a bunch of us old tvd fans lurking around... we’re waiting! Hope you’re doing well
Anje chapter 18 . 8/9/2019
Just reread this - loved it again, but am really disappointed it hasn't been completed any further yet.
Qui-ncyX chapter 18 . 6/26/2019
I love this story! Please continue
Anje chapter 18 . 6/14/2019
First read this several months ago- thought it would have been completed by now. So frustrated it's not.
Please get Damon & Elena together SOON!
Do not bring Jeremy back & have him insist Elena move in with him - she has to stay with Damon.
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