Reviews for Broken Soldiers
Heart of the Demons chapter 6 . 10/9/2018
Cyclonus is a very complicated character, and you nailed him perfectly in this new chapter. I enjoyed it mainly for him and getting inside of his head.
Heart of the Demons chapter 5 . 3/1/2018
Sparkplug Witwicky was a definite human ally for the Autobots. I'm really happy you detailed his life from the past to the present. May he rest in peace.
Heart of the Demons chapter 4 . 3/1/2018
I definitely feel the angst the Autobots are going through, especially from Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime.
Heart of the Demons chapter 3 . 3/1/2018
All three Transformers this chapter have a moment to shine, and you definitely make sure of that.
Heart of the Demons chapter 2 . 3/1/2018
This chapter told from Cyclonus's point of view is perfect!
Heart of the Demons chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
I believe that Ultra Magnus and Springer are two of the coolest "Transformers" characters ever. This is the story for them.
Rhojngu457 chapter 4 . 2/24/2018
This story is really interesting. I've seen "post-war" fics before, but this one interests me because you are focusing on G1. The dialogue and actions within these chapters seems to be blending in really well. Hope to see more of this story. :)
Epicenter Six chapter 3 . 4/23/2013
Well, I'm a little surprise by the complete lack of violence between the two sides. I doubt you're ending it here, so I expect more to happen in the following chapters. You're grammar is still good for the most part, sans a couple of little mistakes. NO one's OOC yet. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.

Epicenter Six
Epicenter Six chapter 2 . 4/21/2013
Kind of a filler chapter, but it does explain why Cyclonus is there in the first place. Nothing much else to say about the chapter.

Epicenter Six
Epicenter Six chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
For starters, your grammar is excellent and you put in quite a few details. A lot more than some people that start out. I'm not familar with Springer, but he seems close enough to his character your and Ultra Magnus is pretty good. I like all the small details that you put around the bar; makes it feel alive. I must said, you ended it quite nicely, making me wonder what will happen next.

Overall, your off to a good start. Keep going.

Epicenter Six

P.S.: The ship's name made me snicker.