Reviews for First Frost
Dolphelecat chapter 6 . 3/8/2014
This is a really cool take on this idea. Is there any chance that you'll be continuing this story?
Dragon Courage chapter 6 . 11/19/2013
Voldy's pink teddy chapter 6 . 9/28/2013
I'm looking forward to seeing more of this story! It is engaging. I'm too tired to write a more detailed review than that, but suffice it to say that I loved it so far. Question: How old is Loki supposed to be here? I'm imagining him in his mid to late teens.
itisfinished12062015 chapter 6 . 7/29/2013
Hmm interesting. Well you definitely got me interested in Loki' s fate. Please update as soon as possible.
wbss21 chapter 6 . 7/24/2013
Aw, great to see you back with this! Amazing chapter, as always!

Man, I just feel more and more for Loki as each chapter progresses. Him lying there, trying to sleep, but unable. You do an excellent job of conveying how someone of Loki's intelligence levels can never, really stop thinking, and that probably plays a part in why he's constantly busying himself, either in studies or mischief of some kind. It can be painful, to be that smart, and you can end up thinking yourself into a corner, going over the same details over and over.

Loki's protectiveness of Thor here is incredibly endearing though, and his realization of how much they truly do depend on each other, how together, they're strong, but apart, they're extremely vulnerable. Loki loves Thor so much, and that really shines through here. It's what makes the situation all the more heartbreaking too.

I'm continuing to love the dynamic between Loki and Angrboda. There's a definite sense of Loki's having been sheltered and unexperienced in his young life compared to her, but despite the class difference, they've both known hardship, in their own way, and they get along remarkably well. I really do find it amazing how you're able to capture this stage that Loki seems to be at, caught between being a young child and a young adult. He's sophisticated, but innocent and niave, in some ways still.

It's sad, how even in liking and accepting Angrboda and her clan, he still feels so much hatred for himself, and so fears being Jotun. The way he doesn't want to believe that his propensity for magic comes from being a Frost Giant. I also love how easily and readily Loki was willing to dress up as a girl in order to protect his identity. That cuts right down to Loki's very nature. He isn't constrained by gender roles or expectations, and he isn't caught up on definitions of masculinity and manliness. Sadly, that's probably also one of the reasons he gets so mercilessly teased. And again, there's a sense of Loki being inexperienced and almost shy here, with being hesitant to undress completely, and a definite sense of insecurity in terms of being seen as weak or vulnerable, given he's more apprehensive about Angrboda seeing his bruises than being naked.

As always, the dialog between them was perfectly flowing and natural. And my favorite part has to be the end here, with how easily Loki falls into the role he's supposed to play. That's Loki's game, all the way. He can be whatever he needs to be. The tragic part about it is is that very few others can see the value in that. In being able to act. I love how he refers to himself as a method actor though.

That was brutal though, when Angrboda tells him very few people she helps ever actually have a home to return to, and Loki tells her he knows he doesn't. Man, that just ruined my heart. This poor, poor kid. He isn't letting himself think too closely about it, but it's like deep down he knows he doesn't belong in Asgard anymore, the only home he's ever known.

Fantastic update, and I can't wait to see what happens next! As always, thank you for sharing!
jaquelinelittle chapter 6 . 7/23/2013
Great to see this continued!
I.C.2014 chapter 5 . 6/2/2013
I'm glad that Loki was the one who escaped. Had it been Thor, he would have been easily irritated with Agrboda.
wbss21 chapter 5 . 5/27/2013
Oh wow, this chapter was incredible. Again, I know I keep saying it, but you truly are an excellent writer.

Loki's on a real journey here, and I'm absolutely enthralled by the suspense and tension and cleverness on display. What's so interesting about all of this is seeing Loki IN Jotunheim, and slowly watching his own, conditioned perceptions of the place falling away. Loki is nothing if not a scholar and a student, I think, and his ability to adapt and fall into line with what he needs to do is remarkable.

But you really create a great sense of danger here, and again, in spite of Loki's great intelligence and awareness, we're reminded as readers once more of just how young and inexperienced he is.

I really loved the section with him moving past the brothel, and you taking us inside his thoughts regarding his interest, or rather lack there of, in sex, and that in turn allowing us to see yet another issue which causes feelings of isolation and humiliation in Loki among his peers in Asgard. I suppose it shows how truly frightened Loki is now, and how much his confusion scares him, despite his working through that fear and moving on, that it's actually a comfort to him, to think he's being teased by the girl in front of the brothel, that it reminds him of the way he's treated back home and makes him feel like himself, even if, as he realizes, feeling like himself is to feel constantly embarrassed and as something less.

You've really got to feel bad for Loki here, because again, you're reminded on his innocence. It's a really interesting contrast, too, to see that innocence and lack of experience, wrapped in so sophisticated a person, both in the way he speaks, and the intelligence of his mind.

I was really scared for a moment that he was going to get forced into the brothel owners house, and I knew she was bad news the moment she approached Loki. Again, Loki's lack of experience here shows, the way he mistakes her for being honest, and assumes that she'll let him go just by saying "no, thank you.".

And boy, what an exciting and unpredictable turn of events! I LOVE the way you've brought Angrboda into this, and the relationship that you've already so quickly established between her and Loki. It seems Loki's found himself an ally, much needed given his present circumstances, and of course, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Their interaction and dialog was just superb, and you get the feeling Loki is enjoying talking with her immensely, perhaps because he's able to banter with her and finds in her someone who can keep up with him on that level, which is something I doubt he's ever had much of in Asgard. You can tell she understands him and recognizes his intelligence and cleverness, and she isn't regarding it with any kind of disdain or mistrust really. She sees the value in someone who operates using caginess and subtlety.

I'm very excited to see where this goes from here. Loki's concern for Thor continues to be incredibly touching. I hope Thor is doing okay.

As always, thank you so much for sharing!
jaquelinelittle chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
Nasty, lawless place that it. Nice worldbuilding!
Because I Can and Will chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
I love Angrboda!
Wolfy46 chapter 5 . 5/26/2013
Tales of Asgard references, I love you!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/20/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh holy crap this fic is so amazing how can this fic be so amazing
jaquelinelittle chapter 4 . 5/14/2013
This is getting really interesting.

In hindsight, though, they'd probably have been better off attacking their captors from behind to help the soldiers win than trying to escape.

"at least we needn't worry about my being spotted. "

He's still wearing odd clothes, and his size makes him stand out too. Anyone who sees him will immediately know he is not from the village.
jaquelinelittle chapter 3 . 5/14/2013
To push Thor away, Loki's aunt had to discard her crossbow, didn't she? Would that he had been able to snatch it.

Now this is nasty, if Thor is really such a jerk that he'll reject Loki now.
wbss21 chapter 4 . 5/14/2013
Ah, this story is simply amazing! I really do love it. And man, do you have to feel for Loki. He's really being put through the ringer here in all the worst ways.

The opening, when he's too afraid to even reach for Thor for fear of Thor pulling away from him, gah, I just about felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. This poor kid. His thoughts are definitely taking on a dark, pained turn, and who can blame him. In the space of less than a day, his entire world and notion of who he is has been shattered. And you can tell Thor doesn't MEAN to react to Loki the way he does, that it's just instinctual, but that doesn't make it any less painful for Loki.

At the same time, you have to admire Loki's bravery and toughness and cleverness in the face of such bleak circumstances and revelations. You really show off what a brilliant mind Loki has and what a brilliant tactician he is. His powers of observation and awareness of his surroundings and ability to form plans and take advantage of presented opportunities is really second to none, even at so young an age as he is here. And you also show off how well learned he is, and how valuable someone that has the thirst for knowledge and understanding of the importance of knowledge would be to any situation. He spots the weakness in the structure of the wagon, and hears and determines that there's trouble outside between their kidnappers and another party, all in a matter of minutes, and then formulates a plan to escape just as quickly. Loki's tough stuff boy, and smart as hell. And it's nice to see Thor here at least not forgetting that and following Loki's lead when he tells him what's going on.

We also see how tough Loki is when he nearly gets impaled by that crossbow and instead of freaking out, he uses the arrow to help them break open the gap further.

It's so sad though, when the wall doesn't fall away completely as he hoped, and Loki gets mad and slams his hands against it, and his Jotun powers emerge. I say sad, because of how he reacts to it, how he doesn't even want to acknowledge it, and tries to push it's existence out of his mind. He really is struggling here.

But really, the saddest part of all has to happen afterwards. You really see Loki's faith in Thor and their ability to work together here, when Thor is almost kind of panicking, wondering how they're going to survive out there on their own, and Loki talks him down and explains calmly why they'll be okay. They almost fall into their old patterns and companionship before all of this happened, and so when Thor inadvertently pulls away from him when Loki goes to shove him, gah, that was absolutely heartbreaking. And it's absolutely just tragic when Thor realizes what he's done and tries to make up for it, and Loki just brushes it off and starts forward without even acknowledging it.

Just as bad, is when the Jotun woman appears behind Thor, and moves to attack her, and ah, Loki is so brave here, moving to protect Thor and take the surely fatal blow for him without even a thought. It's so sad, because Loki doesn't get any credit for his courage and bravery. Even Thor here doesn't give him credit, asking him how he knew the necklace would protect him from the blow, just assuming Loki never would have thrown himself in front of him otherwise. It's all of these little things which just add up and add up to degrade and break down Loki's sense of self worth.

But again, Thor here, you have to really feel for him too, because he doesn't MEAN to say and do these things. He clearly still loves and cares about Loki. But he's scared, and he doesn't know what to think, and his ridiculing comments are unintentionally so. And the way he then grabs Loki and tells him to run, that he'll hold the Jotnar off while he escapes, it really just breaks your heart, because you see how much Thor loves Loki here, and how much Loki loves Thor too. This whole situation is affecting them both so much.

I hope Loki can pull himself together though. He's really falling apart inside I'm afraid, the way he's thinking he isn't a Prince, isn't Aesir, and wondering what home he even has now. And you can see, despite how courageous he's been, how scared he actually is, trapped in this Realm where, as he thinks, he'll be seen as less than nothing. Thor's relying on him now though, and if anything can help Loki to push through, I think it's that.

Great chapter! I'm super excited to see what happens next, and how things unfold. As always, thank you for sharing!
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